The First Ones - reallifeticcitoby (2024)

Chapter Text

Jeff led us through to the front of the building and out the front doors.

"Why did you think that was okay? Why were you going over there anyways?" Jeff yelled at me.

"I was just going to go chat with Raven." I replied back to him.

"Why do you want to talk to her? If you show anyone any weakness at all they're going to use it against you in fights along with the battles!" Jeff shouted.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I hate people shouting at me, spit coming out of their mouths, the anger from them like they're never going to forgive you, and how loud they are right in your ear making it seem like you're going to lose your hearing just from it.

"Then who am I supposed to talk to?" I said, yelling right back at his face.

I didn't like myself yelling but it felt like the only relief I had at this time being. I couldn't take a walk by myself because Jeff would either pull me right back in front of him or I may get lost. Just because a path is there doesn't mean that I am not going to end up lost. I am not able to just talk it out with Jeff because at this point, he is already shouting so there is no way I can calm him down to talk this out nicely. There is no way to talk this out nicely.

"Me, one of your leaders, but not people you barely know who are going to end up killing you!" Jeff yelled back, throwing his arms up and facing the other way already done with my bullsh*t.

"Like you would listen. Or any of the leaders for this matter! Nobody wanted to be here, so why do you think a leader would care to listen to me!" Looking at Jeff I could tell that one hit him hard but I'm not taking it back when I know damn well that it's the truth.

"As soon as breakfast is over, we're going to pick your weapon then train with it. For now, go back inside there and talk to Raven if you want. Do you understand me?" Jeff said, getting all serious all of a sudden. His tone of voice was cold, and dead.

"Yes," I said before opening the dining hall door and going straight to Raven once again.

I looked at the door behind me before they closed, not seeing just at all.

"What happened?" Bloody painter asked? He was almost completely done with his food.

"I got yelled at for not telling anyone that I was going to come to this table," 'like he would even let me go' I said to myself.

"Along with talking to a camper and not a leader about my feelings, and etc." I sat at the seat right next to Raven.

Raven just stared at me listening to what I had to say. I don't think any leader would be listening to me right now. I mean, yes, Bloody painter is right here but I just think he is here for the drama only listening to the important things.

"I mean I see his point, but there was no reason for him to shout in my face before just talking nicely before all of that." I said, putting my hands together fidgeting with my fingers.

"Damn, I'm sorry," Raven looked down at her now empty plate of food like she was guilty for what had happened.

"Raven, it's not your fault, Jeff was just making sure I was being careful of what I say around other campers." I put a hand on her shoulder trying to show empathy for the way she was feeling. She looked up to me with hope in her eyes.

"Charlie is going to die first whether it's by accident, on purpose, or to himself, he's going out first." Raven chuckled, hearing that lifting her head up.

"How do you think he's going to die?" Raven laughed.

"By someone, I'm already tired of him myself, maybe I will kill him myself." I laughed along with her. Bloody painter joining along too.

"So, question for you Raven, what weapon are you going to pick out?" I said, smiling at her. At this present time in this moment Raven is the only beaming of hope in my life. The sun that is shining light to me to bright light to other people for I am the moon. The moon's never seen without the sun. The moon wouldn't be there if the sun was never there. I am surprised at this time that the sun has seen me to be honest. The sun can live without the moon, but the moon wouldn't be alive if the sun was never there. I would be afraid if Raven was never there or if she ever made her known to me. I do not understand why Raven wanted to even talk to me in the first place.

"I don't know yet, maybe a bat?" She questioned herself, she put her hand swinging like she already had a bat in her hand. I would have wished that Raven knew only already of what she would be using. I may be able to help her with her training.

"What about you?" She questioned me, finishing her food when asking.

"I was thinking about a sniper rifle along with maybe a knife for close combat, however I don't know yet if Jeff will be able to help me with aiming." I sighed.

"With Jeff that may be hard for him. As I know now, I have never seen him use anything but his beautiful knife he so loves," Bloody Painter commented. "But if he's smart and his pride doesn't get to him too much, he should ask Hoodie to help with the sniper rifle. Well, because Hoodie uses guns." Bloody Painter finished. With him finishing his take on Jeff he also finished his breakfast. Bloody Painter got up from the table taking Raven's dirty plate to the trash can.

"I know how to use a gun already; I just need help with aiming the damn thing. I have been wanting to use a sniper rifle however every time I did get a chance, I would mess it up by aiming really badly making my teacher think that I am incapable of using one at all. However, I think with a little practice I should be able to get a hang of it." I said to Bloody Painter as he was walking back to us.

"From whom?" Bloody Painter asked me, him sitting back in his seat.

"From my grandpa," I replied back to him. Those once confused eyes were now back to a soft relaxed look.

"I'm not up to training with Jeff. I feel like he is going to work my bones to death," I sighed.

"After that little thing back there may be," Raven said. A loud alarm was heard from above. I would be surprised if people from at least the whole ground, maybe the whole state wasn't able to hear it. It quickly turned off. Soon following it was a microphone.'

"Everyone please heads to the campfire and sit with your leaders." Soon people started getting up from their seats and out the door to this building.

"Would you want to follow us until you see Jeff?" Bloody Painter asked me.

"Yes, please I am afraid even with the clear sand path that I will get lost," I said, while following them out the front doors. The sun was nice and up high already; however, the wind had made it seem like it was colder than it was made to be. We were soon on the sand path as we once were this morning. I thought to myself, 'what group was Raven sleeping with?' Need to say more that question can be answered later. All that matters right now is what this meeting was all about. As we got closer, I could see Jeff already there standing up from one of the chairs waiting for someone. That someone of course being me. I walked down the stairs going to the seats Jeff was standing nearby. Being here at the campfire in the light rather than the dark is a lot different. Almost feels like it's not the same place.

"I'll see you later," I said, turning behind me waving goodbye to Bloody Painter and Raven. Bloody Painter and Raven are very welcoming even with this current state. If they were to ever break my trust it would be heartbreaking for me. Though I will say I do understand that it would be for this in order to survive.

"See ya!" Raven waved back, her and Bloody Painter finding their own seating. I made my way to Jeff. Maybe I should apologize to him for the way I acted. 'No!' I yelled at myself in my head. I shouldn't have to apologize for not wanting to be around him for twenty-four hours just because he is my leader.

"Hi," he said, coldly looking at me right in my eyes. Like he was trying to make me feel bad for my actions but that wasn't going to work on me. He turned around and started walking all the way down to the last seat in the row. I followed right behind him. He sat in the last seat. I sat right next to him. I looked at him here and there trying to make out any emotions or feelings out of this man. Trying not to make it obvious that I was looking at him. Dare I see this man doesn't show any emotions at all at this moment in time. All his face is showing is him being plain stubborn.

"Stop looking at me, it's weird," he said, still looking straight at the campfire "We will talk later, you understand me?" Jeff asked, sounding more like a commend than a question. When saying this he was looking right at me now. He was serious now, not just cold to me anymore. What could it be that he wants to talk about? We already talked about the building. Soon just like in the main building a loudspeaker was heard.

"Everyone please take a seat and please be quiet." The speaker ended soon, and everyone took their seat and stayed quiet. Soon Slenderman walked out. Well walked out is what I think he did? I saw him one place blinking and he was in front of the campfire the next.

"Don't think about it too much if you do, you will get overwhelmed by the thought of it." Jeff said, whispering in my ear.

"We have now gone to training time. Your leader knows where everything is. However, if your leader does forget or if you already looked and can't find it like I said before you can ask our staff Toby for anything." Slenderman finished before going away again.

"Let's go now, we can talk when we get to the training grounds. We can get you your sniper rifle and what not." Jeff whispered before we got up and started walking to the training ground soon, I followed along. We were back on the sand path. I swear the more we walk on the sand path the more I get sand in my shoes.

"Why a sand path? Why not rocks or something that doesn't get into your shoes and hair all the time," I said, annoyed at that fact. Jeff didn't say anything. All he did was nod his head, that's it. I guess he was deep in thought, or he was still mad at me for the cafeteria. He's a grown ass adult, he can get over himself. I don't have to be at his hip 24/7. I'm not a child either, I don't need to be watched over. Everyone here and every camper is an adult there is no reason we have to be watched as a kid.

We soon made it to the training grounds. This place would be my punishment for what I did at breakfast. Just for leaving the f*cking table without him knowing...f*ck me.

The training grounds had a dummy, a shed, and a row of bullseye. There was already Charlie and Hoodie here along with Riley and Masky. Them (Hoodie and Masky) talking to each other.

"Oh, look the boyfriends are talking," Jeff said, rolling his eyes before pulling me to the shed. A sense of fear struck me. He opened the door to the shed pushing me inside. The shed was filled with weapons,masks,and etc.

"Find your weapon, you can wear a mask if you want to," Jeff said, waving his hand. I looked around the shed seeing to find the sniper that I wanted or just felt right to me. Along with finding myself a pretty looking knife.

Jeff began talking to himself maybe to me, but I wasn't paying much attention to him.

"[name] you know people are looking down on you, well, more me and my ability to train you that's why I got mad at you at breakfast. Because how am I going to train someone who doesn't want to listen to me," he laughed the last part to himself. Was he f*cking drunk or high or on some sh*t?

"Do you even know how to use a gun or at the most use a sniper?" Jeff asked, coming behind me putting his hand on my shoulder scaring me a little bit making me jumpy.

"Yes, I do, but I don't know how to use a sniper really," I said, my voice shaky. My hands running over the sniper rifle. The cold metal hitting my hand.

"Oh wow, look at you all fancy," he said, shaking me around. What really is he on? I looked around the spot where the masks are. Some blue, black, white, and all different colors. All boring and plain.

"Hey, what happens if I want to," I paused, waiting for his eyes to be looking at me so I know I have his attention. "a custom mask?" I asked Jeff, my hands running through the masks.

"You got two options for a custom mask, one you can take a basic mask and make it yourself or two you ask dumbass Ticci Toby for him to get it somehow," Jeff said, once again waving around his hands like I should have known that.

"Okay thanks," I said, picking up the sniper rifle from its stand.

"Now pick a knife for close combat, you can't just train for long combat," Jeff laughed, hitting my back over and over again. That may cause a bruise later on from how hard he is hitting. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know his own strength. The rifle had a strap. I put it over my shoulder putting the weapon behind my back. I headed to the knife side. They really did have everything you would need to fight someone. There were all different types of knives. I picked a normal one with a blank base. It had a black cover over the top of it. Would be nice if I had paint to paint on the cover. Maybe a spider or a snake or something like that would be nice some white paint too.

"If you got what you needed, we can start walking out," Jeff said, pulling me out of the shed not even giving me time to think or process what he had said. When I got outside that almost all the campers and their leaders were there. Why were they not walking in to get their weapon or were they just waiting one at a time to get them. Some campers are already training with their weapon. Had they walked in the shed without me knowing or was there some way that they already had it before breakfast? Some other campers just train hand to hand with their leaders or with dummies. Hoodie and Masky have stopped talking but they're next to each other training their own campers. Each looking at each other every now and then smiling at one another. Were they really together? The way they are looking at each other are kind of showing it all you need to tell that they're. At first, I took it as a joke from Jeff but now it doesn't seem like a joke anymore.

"Let's go to the shooting range," he said, before he dragged me to the area with all the fair away bullseye.

"Now you know how to load in a bullet right? Because you said you used a gun before," Jeff was already questioning how much I know about how to use one.

"Yes, I know how to load a gun and yes, I know how much to pull back. The only thing I don't know how to do is where to place your hands on this," I replied back to him, a little annoyed with Jeff for questioning me. I took the rifle from behind my back and put it in front of me.

"Here, let me help," he said, coming up behind me putting his hands around me. Putting his hands around my moving to where they should be on the weapon. He was so close to me. I could feel his breath on my neck. A shiver ran down my spine. I could hear his heart beating on me. His breath was slow however, his heart was the opposite. It was fast and loud. Along with me. I don't think of him as anything more than a leader waiting to kill me. But the way he is holding me along with his hands is throwing me off. If this was Hoodie maybe this would be different because of the way he was putting his hands on Charlie's with his shirt coming up showing his happy trail. At this moment of time, I wasn't thinking much of Hoodie either but now it's something. All well, I don't find both of them that way. It's just the feeling of being on the edge, worrying about what he may do, more like the unknown. Now I had a new feeling or more like a sense right now. Someone was watching us, not just me. Jeff let go of me, placing my hands to the right place now, noticing the feeling without Jeff's hands around me. Empty again. 'All well.' I said to myself lifting the scope to my eye aiming at the bullseye.

"There you go now; you know how to do the rest. We will learn other poses but first I want you to get used to this one first," as he finished, I took fire. I looked up, I didn't make it to the middle, but I did make it at least on the target, only on the white spot. Jeff was silent. Everyone was quiet, it was almost scaring me a little. Everyone stopped what they were doing. No more talking, no more hitting dummies, no more training at all. I turned around to see that almost every camper was looking at me. Guess they never heard the sound of a gun before. I unload the hot shell, putting a new bullet in its place.

"Maybe this time shot at the color," Jeff said right behind me. I began to hear people starting to talk along with people hitting things once again.

"I think they may be getting scared of you," Jeff whispered in my ear. Them being scared of me? This place is about life and death, so I understand for the most part. I think. Along with that I don't think I should be joking about how I should be getting in the colors when he doesn't even use a gun in the first place. I took another round at the bullseye, hoping this time I get at least one-color ring.

"Make sure to breath this time and close your one eye that's not on the scope piece," Jeff said, he was so close to me that I could feel his breath again.

"Can you please back the f*ck up," I felt his hand move away from me.

"Fine, Okay," he said, backing up from me. I got in focus only looking at the target, nothing else. BOOM! I pulled the trigger without a thought. I looked up to see the target had been hit. It was in the blue third from the middle. Silence once again. 'Why can't people just focus on their own training and not mine.' I sighed. I know I can do better than that but Jeff's being up my but along with their eyes on me whenever I shoot. I turned around with all eyes on me, even the leaders were looking for this time. I looked over at Hoodie, him looking at me like he was bothered by something. Like he wanted to say something. One after another, slowly started to turn their heads around and continue with what they would have been doing. The eyes were again sending shivers down my back.

"Don't worry about the eyes, they just want to know how good you're at your weapon. And I am sure you're making them scared." Jeff whispered, leaving me once again. It's starting to really piss me off.

"Jeff, if you lean into my ear and whisper into it one more time. I will personally shoot you in the head," Jeff let go of my shoulder without saying a word to me about it. Being that he was the one without the weapon right now I guess he was willing to trust his luck. What's wrong with him? Why can't he just repeat me and not do it again? If you ask him to not do something he will stop for a little bit but then a little bit later, he will do the same thing that you just ask him not to do like he forgot that you even ask for him not to. I can't tell if he was actually forgetting what you asked or if he just really doesn't care. I just can't read him as well as I can with the campers. I think that's how it's like that with all the leaders. I guessed that they are just better at hiding their true emotions.

"Don't hesitate to pull the trigger, this one you didn't, however the one before you did. If you're hesitating with going to shoot at the target now, then how are you going to be able to shoot another camper?" Jeff said, cold and distant.

"There is no room for hesitating a second wasted could mean your life. I don't want you hesitating if it's a family, friend, pet, or animal, nothing they may get the hit first," Jeff finished, sending more shivers up my spine. Were all the leaders and people here cold-hearted or was Jeff just going through his mood swings.

"I hope you know that I am most likely getting myself a custom mask because I am not wearing a plain white mask," I turned to look at Jeff. He didn't say anything back, just stared at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Did he not want me to get one? Maybe he wanted me to look like him, which wasn't going to happen. I'm not saying he looked bad at all but whatever he had to get there by doing it looks like it's painful along with that look would not fit me. I laughed to myself. Looks like a huge burn mark to me and if it is. Is down there burned? Just a question not trying to be weird about it.

"Well, I already told you what to do so don't ask me." I am going to ask Toby to make it or whatever. I am way too lazy to make it myself. Along with that there are too many materials to use. Now I need to get an idea of what I wanted in the mask.

"Did I tell you to stop shooting and practicing?" Jeff ordered to me

"Sorry," I said, turning myself back to the shooting board.

Shooting round after rounding my finger started hurting from being in the same place for a long time, I started to make this aware of Jeff, but Jeff didn't seem to care for Jack sh*t. So, after that I just stopped asking. Soon people after people lifted. Masky and Hoodie stayed behind for a bit talking to one another about whatever. It feels like it's been hours of us doing this but being we're in the middle of nowhere and we have no phones along with no clocks being anywhere, you can't really tell the time. It may have been only 30 minutes, it could have been an hour, maybe more. All I know was that my fingers really f*cking hurt. My shots got worse and worse. Jeff came up behind me not caring about what I had asked of him.

"Here the thing sweetheart they don't care if you need to stop, they will not stop at anything to survive this. And you better do the same f*cking thing too," Jeff just stood behind me staring at me. Jeff then grabbed my face, putting me right in front of him. Guessing he was mad at the fact I wasn't answering him or the fact that I wasn't facing him. Maybe I was looking at him wrong. Maybe all three.

"If you don't kill first, you will die but I could care less about that. But if you make a fool of me ever again. I will kill you or do worse. Do you understand me?" He just looked at me. Waiting for me to answer. I should have said something. He let go of my face for a second before slapping me across the face.

"Do you understand me?" Jeff asked once again.

"Yes, I understand." I looked down at the ground. My face is red and hot from the mark he has adjusted. The spot burned and ached. I didn't know what to do at the moment but to just not make him madder at me anymore.

I tried my hardest to try to get more in the middle. My fingers itched and burned earlier but now I could feel nothing but Jeff's eyes looking down on me waiting. I have been squatting here shooting this damn gun for so long to the point the sky was just becoming dusk. Did he make me shoot for so long that he made me skip lunch? Or maybe because it was becoming winter, so the sun was starting to set faster, and I just didn't notice it until now. Maybe he did make me skip lunch. Was he really that mad at me that he even made himself skip it? I mean just this morning he was so happy about breakfast wouldn't he want lunch too? Was Jeff so stubborn that he would too? I'm acting like I've known him for a long time. Like I already know how he acts. I shouldn't be surprised by that fact; they are a bunch of murders. Thinking because of the way he joked around made me think of him and the others as humans and that they're not insane people. However, he gladly reminded me that he was not human and was a monster. I can't trust no one, he was right about that. I trusted him for a little bit. I am glad he showed me who he really was before I may have trusted him to my fullest heart. That would make me lose this. I had run out of bullets not saying a word. He put his hand in front of me motioning for me to put down the gun. Finally putting down the rifle, the numbness from one my hands left the gun and my arms fell to its sides. Once I dropped it my arms shot up a painful shock and stabbing. I tried moving my arms around to get the blood flowing back to them only for it to betray me. A shake of discomfort and agony. I let out a cry hoping that would show a little bit of mercy for me. Jeff turned his back and started walking down the sand path.

"Come on, I can do without lunch, but I am not ditching dinner," I slowly got up trying to shake away the pain. I could feel the blood rushing back through them. My legs are weak and throbbing just asking for them to rest just for a little bit. I ignore it following Jeff about a couple feet behind caution if he may hit me or maybe more like he had said. Who knows the leaders are picked for teaching people how to kill for a reason. That means even for Bloody Painter. Maybe the staff would be fine? I still shouldn't trust no one. My legs are slowly coming back to their normal stat. My arms still have awful pains. I felt like I couldn't pick up everything. Not even myself. I don't think Jeff would even help me in that matter. Ahead of the lights of the main building. Two people were standing outside with one another talking. As I got closer those two people were Masky and Hoodie. I felt that they were always talking to one another, or they were always at least right next to one another. I could hear the soft chuckles and talking from them. As me and Jeff got closer, they stopped speaking. I wish they would have just ignored us and continued talking whatever they were. Jeff stopped in front of the door on the steps of it, waiting for me to catch up.

"What the f*ck are you looking at," Jeff looked behind facing them both. Due to their masks being on their faces and body language being dull to nothing it was really hard to tell what they were thinking.

"We were just wondering why you weren't at lunch. I mean your camper needs to eat because well, I don't care about your health that's all," Masky's voice was dull and serious. Jeff fell quiet. I found that happening a lot today. I don't know if he was just trying to bother me or if he was really just being quiet.

"That's not your business to begin asking. Where are your campers?" Jeff asked, before running into the building before Masky could ever respond. The place wasn't like this morning. People or campers are now talking to their leader which was kind of surprising. I thought people would at least start talking tomorrow, maybe in the afternoon. Something may have happened during lunch but again Jeff was too mad at me to give two sh*ts about if I ate. No time to think about it. All I know is that I am really f*cking hunger. How dare he not let me eat lunch. I could feel my stomach grunting along with a put like someone is taking everything out of it. I felt like I was so light I would float up like a balloon. If I did something worse maybe he wouldn't even take me to dinner too. That would just make him more upset and pissed at me. I mean that's his own fault that he didn't take us. Jeff stopped making me go in front of him.

"If you do anything and run away again, I will do worse than a little slap to the cheek, you understand," Jeff whispered behind me, "I understand" I said, shaking up but the way he has been acting. Was his reputation really that important to the point of harming innocent people he barely knows? I was right that he is a monster. A monster that even looks like one. We sat down with Sam and Liu hoping they see what Jeff is doing for his reputation. I don't know if they would really care. Liu didn't sign up for this so he wouldn't care if someone gets hurt or not. Sam wouldn't care either they just wanted to get the f*ck out of this. Again, I can't blame them. What monsters are these people training people to kill each other. I lifted my head up to meet with Liu's eyes looking right at me. This really made me look right into his eyes. I thought his eyes were just a light green but as I looked you could see a faded red in the center of his eyes. I guess the only thing you can see is up close.

"Who the f*ck is he?" Liu asked, but this time his voice was raspy and louder. Was he okay? I mean I saw him at breakfast so. Did I look like a mess? Most likely do but that wouldn't mean I look unrecognizable to him.

"Sully, this is [name] my camper you know the thing you sign Liu up for to piss him off?" Jeff answered, Jeff tone changing to a happier and more relaxed rather than his one before being hateful and annoyed with me and Masky. In seconds Jeff's mood can change without knowing. Was he really happy or was he just acting like he was? I'm just glad that I can finally get some food in my stomach. On a normal day if I was sitting at home doing nothing but sleeping it made it easier to not have to eat lunch but with the gun it made it harder to forget.

"Oh, that's why this person is right next to me. Along with why there are so many new normal looking people here that are not dead yet." Liu was talking about this guy in the morning. Are they identical twins or something like that?

"What time is it by the way also what day is it also maybe month how long was I not fronting?" Sully asked, sighing.

"Right, it's well, dinner time and it's a Thursday on October 14th. I don't know the actual time right now, I don't have my phone on me," Jeff replied. So, all the leaders have phones that's interesting. I think. Me and Sam were looking at each other wondering what was happening.

"Okay well, that's not that long since I was in control. He better not make me do any training or sh*t." Jeff laughed hearing that from Sully.

"So, what happened to Liu? I mean he never left me or this table." Sam asked, speaking out for the both of us.

"Well, the reason for that is because me and Liu are the same person or well, same body just different mind. I guess it's called D.I.D in its mental disorder so," Sully just stared off for a second like he was thinking really deep.

"Sorry, what's for dinner now?" Sully asked, Jeff guessing he would have known.

"I didn't know this morning was really good so hopefully this one is good too. I wonder who is cooking all this food." Jeff answered. On the looks on Sully's face you could tell that he was disappointed in Jeff's answer. Two people in one body that's got to be a pain in the ass because wouldn't you like to have control of your own body? Just standing by letting it happen not being able to do anything would piss me off. Along with following what Sully said, also not being able to remember anything would just make me just want to get rid of the other person in my mind. Was there anyway two or was it just one before?

"Also, Jeff just remembers that just because I am just fronting that I am not going to be angry because I am still pissed off at you." Sully said, pointing a finger at Jeff to show that he is after him. Why is Sully pissed at him? I mean I am too but what did Jeff do?

"Are you really mad at me even though that was thirteen years ago!" Jeff yelled, what did Jeff do that was so bad to someone who is still mad after thirteen years?

"You f*cked up my beautiful body and face! What do you mean, how are you still mad? These scars are forever." Sully yelled. That's why the scars are there. I don't blame Sully for still being upset. I mean imagine your own brother doing that sh*t to you. I would be upset too! Soon a speaker was heard from above.

"Welcome everyone I hope you had a wonderful first day at camp! I mean it sure does sound like it!" 'No, the f*ck I didn't' I said to myself. I looked up once again looking for Raven only to find that she was looking right at me. After she realized that I was finally looking back at her. She mouths the words. "Are you okay?" It took me a moment or two to understand what she was trying to say. I guess she noticed something was off about me. Jeff was right next to me worried that he may see what I was trying to mouth back to Raven. So, I waited until Jeff wasn't looking in front of him instead was looking beside him to the right. "Jeff hit me," I said back to her. She looked surprised trying to wrap her head around it. I think Jeff was too busy listening to the speaker to see what me and Raven were doing.

"We will be doing the same thing as we did in breakfast and lunch with calling out your tables and getting food. Thank you," the speaker turned off, the first table getting up and going to give food from the tables with trays. I looked back at Raven talking to Bloody Painter. When she finished telling him something he turned his head and looked at me. I guess she had told him what I had said to her. I couldn't tell what he was feeling or how he was acting with that damn mask on him. I found that some other people here have a lot of masks on their face. Was it to hide their faces, their emotions, or their indentations from the others? It could be all of the above. Maybe they just wanted to be cool. For me hiding emotions from Jeff will 100% help me with dealing with him. Also, I do want to be cool. I could feel Jeff's eyes on me or was it Sully's? Either or I just knew that someone was looking at me. I saw Jeff's head lending in front of me looking at someone or something past me. He could have noticed that Bloody Painter was looking right at me.

"Tell me why Bloody Painter was looking at you?" Jeff asked in an annoyed tone. I didn't know what to say. I said the first thing that came into my head.

"Maybe because he didn't see us in Lunch so maybe he was worried about me or you." I replied, my voice was very much shaky. Jeff didn't say anything after that. He just stared at me for a little bit before going back to paying attention to the tables being called up. I finally felt like I could breathe again, unaware that I was holding my breath when Jeff was looking. I looked over at Bloody Painter again making sure he saw what had just happened. He nodded his head and went back to talking with Raven.

Our table got called up to the trays of food. For food it was chicken, dumplings, garlic bread, pizza, fries, pasta, and tacos, I feel sorry for whoever had to cook all of this food. Along with that someone has to clean all the dishes from making all of said food. I mean I'm not mad at all of this, I just feel sorry for someone. Like at breakfast Raven's table was called up next right behind us was them. I wanted to do the same thing I did this morning, but I know damn well that Jeff was just paying too much attention to the food. I know that this time he was watching over like a hawk. Lucky for me Bloody Painter got really close to Jeff instead of me coming to him.

"So, Jeff, where were you during lunch? I mean did you hunt for food or something. I mean [name] is training with a sniper so it would make sense." Bloody Painter questioning Jeff's actions. I mean, I know I shouldn't even question Jeff's actions no more but with another leader. Jeff may react differently to him.

"Why is that your business? Also, we were not hunting for your information thank you very much. So please leave us alone." Jeff answered, walking faster up to the front.

"Thank God, okay, are you good? Like what happened?" Bloody Painter asked, sighing when Jeff finally left.

"It's too much to tell you right now. Meet up in the bathroom then I will tell you. Is that fine with you?" I asked Bloody Painter, pretending that I was just taking more food from the tables.

"Okay, I will look at you and get up. Then you will ask to go. I don't need Jeff getting mad at the fact you didn't ask to go to the bathroom." Bloody Painter said, moving back behind with Raven. I ran right behind Jeff to make sure that he didn't see me close to Bloody Painter.

"You better not be talking with him," Jeff said, his tone being more serious rather than just completely annoyed.

"No, I wasn't. I was just getting food," that wasn't that much of a lie because well, I did get food. On my plate were two chicken legs, three dumplings, one piece of garlic bread and some fries. I felt like I had gotten too much but at the same time I didn't get lunch too so it felt okay too. Just like last time Jeff had gotten everything on the tables again. First Jeff didn't have to be in an uncomfortable position and having to hold up your arms for hours on end. All Jeff was doing was standing around watching me. Sometimes even sitting. Sully was staring at the plate of food in front of him like it was going to be his last meal in the world. Sully also got all the food options from the trays. I guess Sully and Jeff are really brothers with their food. I started eating looking over at Bloody Painter waiting for him to go.

Finally, just as I was done with my food Bloody Painter looked at me and started walking to the bathroom. I looked over to Jeff, worried to ask.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked in a low tone.

"Yes, but don't be long." Jeff answered, waving me away. I got up from the table walking quickly to the bathroom.

"So, you made it." Bloody Painter Laughed. I know I shouldn't trust him but at the same time it just felt right to tell someone else what was happening at the same time. Like I was waiting for him to do something to me or something with the information he had gotten. I would have acted surprised if he did something even though in the end, I knew all along what he was doing. But nothing came from him yet that made him untrustworthy to me.

"Okay so first Jeff had me shooting until dinner then he got mad at me when I didn't answer him for 'do you understand me'. So, he slapped me, so that's great for me" I said, smiling trying to make it look better. Bloody Painter didn't say anything for a bit.

"Okay, well, I don't know how to help you in this situation because Jeff hates everyone. Almost everyone. But just answer him and don't question him. Jeff can't hurt leaders, well not right now. Just be careful. I'm sorry I can't do anything more to help." Bloody Painter answered, putting his hands on my shoulders. I sighed, realizing now what I may have to deal with for I don't know how long for.

"Jeff may be wondering where you are also wash your hands, so it looks like you really went," Bloody painter suggested to me. I quickly put my hands under the cold water. Along with poorly drying my hands and exiting the bathroom. I saw Jeff at the front door waiting for me to come.

"Took you long enough," Jeff said, before existing the building with me quickly following behind him.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jeff, wondering if I was in the right to ask him that. I mean we aren't around people, so people don't have to hear us.

"I'm fine let's just get to the cabin and go to bed. It's been a long day for both of us, right?" Jeff said, still annoyed at me.

"Yes," I said quietly. Jeff and I started to walk down the path once again.

"You can also, sense we both finished early, make a design for your mask that you wanted," Jef suggested, before looking over at the path again rather than at me anymore. I barely had time to think about it so it would be a good idea to think and make a design once we got there but first, I did want to take a quick shower before I do all of that. Only because I feel very dirty and very sweaty. I don't want to be smelling like Charlie or Jeff.

The Lights of the cabin were off, guessing we got here before Charlie and Hoodie. We went into the house. Jeff turned on the lights, finding that the room stayed the same as this morning. However, something felt off to me. Like someone moved something in the room that I haven't taken notice of yet. But Jeff didn't take notice of anything or well, he didn't seem like he cared. He dropped himself down on the couch throwing his head up tired.

"So, I know I'm not the one to ask this but, you and Sully or Liu don't look anything alike at all. I mean maybe you had different moms or dads or something like that." I asked, Jeff putting up his head looking at me before answering me.

"Well, you know I didn't always look like this. Also, my hair wasn't always this color. The only thing different about me and Liu was his eyes. Yes, we had the same mom and dad." Jeff answered, before he went back to throwing his head back down.

"So, you used to look something like Liu or Sully?" I asked again, walking over, giving a pair of pajamas pants, boxes, soap and shampoo.

"Yes, but I had long hair, not too long but not too short." Jeff said. I don't know if I can think about Jeff looking that way and looking human. Honestly, I need to get these clothes off. I just needed my shirt off for tonight. My shirt feels like it's too tight and it's going to kill me.

"Taking a shower?" Jeff asked, seeing me with clothes in my hand.

"Yes. is that fine?" I question Jeff of why he was asking.

"Yes, that's fine" Jeff said, getting up and climbing to return to his bed. The beautiful shower was just waiting and calling for me to get in. Taking off my clothes, jumping in the shower, not even waiting for the water to get warmer. The water felt so nice feeling the water run down my hair and body after a long day. I couldn't get over how good the soap and shampoo smells. I got out of the shower halfass drying myself off. I could hear the front door guessing Charlie and Hoodie had returned from dinner. Sadly, I don't think that I will have time to write in my book today. I guess I will just have to write a little more tomorrow. I put on my boxers. Minecraft creeper boxers for your information they are the bomb. Along with green pajamas pants. No shirt today, too many clothes. I gave the towel I was using and put it over my wet hair so water from my head would drip down to the towel and not my back. I picked up the pile of dirty clothes from today walking out of the bathroom to find Charlie already in his bed sleeping. I can't believe he is already sleeping, and he hasn't changed his clothes. I put my clothes away then took out a piece of paper from my book. I took out a pen heading to the coffee table. I started drawing the first thing that came to mind. I drew the base of the mask. The mask had cracks on it like it was going to break. I continued. I put red blood near the cracks of the mask. I noted anything that would need to be known to the person making it. I put it under my bag. Getting ready for bed finally. Scared of what becomes of tomorrow. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Author Note- (There maybe some of grammar mistakes in this) By the why what Jeff is doing is abuse. What he is doing it nothing romantic.

The First Ones - reallifeticcitoby (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.