Dirty Bitches MC: Season 2 (2024)

Tee loves Kyle Jacobson

2,481 reviews176 followers

November 16, 2018

Holy Mother of all MC's I absolutely have been blown away by this Anthology! I mean the authors brought it. They brought their A+ game and had me sitting there like WTF. I loved how we started out with four prospects and had them working their ass off to be a part of the club. That was one was of the things I loved the most because they were willing to do anything to be a part of the club.

These authors have you cheering them on and rooting for them to make it. I really love a good MC story but these ones blew me away because so much happens that you are on a roller coaster ride just waiting to see how loyal the prospects are. The mentors man I loved them so much. They were good for them and kept them on their feet and made sure to remind them they were a family and families stick together no matter what.

Want a HOT A$$ MC read then this is the anthology for you!

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Teresa Lara

3,155 reviews48 followers

November 14, 2018

I love the new prospects and Rogue Links Titz and stilleto. This book is better then the first.need more

Lynn Reynolds

1,698 reviews40 followers

November 17, 2018

I didn’t think that this season could get any better than the first but boy was I proven wrong. This collection gives the reader a look into the lives of some of the prospects of the Dirty Bitches MC. But the reader will also get to reconnect with the women that we met in season one. If you haven’t read season one yet you really should start there so you can understand the founding members of this group.

Lost Highway

Della Lane has learned the hard way to stand up for herself. The bonus is the people she now cares about and who care about her. What I loved is that Della doesn’t let her past define who she is now – she’s a strong woman and maybe a little bit of an inspiration. Then there’s a twist that may have you rethinking that inspiration.

Now Declan Smith has his work cut out for him because there’s a woman that will keep him on his toes. We have a little suspense that has the men and women having to work together. Loved that the DBMC know how take care of their own. It was a great way to start this latest season.

Lay Your Hands On Me

Kit doesn’t mind giving a helping hand. Rex Johns wants to make a good first impression. They don’t seem to have much in common but that doesn’t mean that they don’t seem good for each other. This was a good story about taking chances and that includes stepping out of your comfort zone to follow your dreams.

Loved this one from beginning to end. This one had me wanting to go back to season one and read the author’s first DBMC story. I could see taking this on vacation especially since we had snow today – would love to follow Kit and Rex.

No Regrets

Onyx Schmidt seems to be in the man radar with her friends. Wyatt Holden and his friend Shaun’s night just may have gotten a little better. Expect this story to be the hottest out of the four. There were two things that that impressed me. The first was that Onyx has a son. The second thing that impressed me is that this took on a very tough subject but it didn’t take away from the heat that was going on between Onyx, Wyatt and Shaun.

‘Til We Ain’t Strangers Anymore

Billie Jo has a reunion with someone she hasn’t seen in a while. Sebastian “Bastian” is like a steamroller when he wants something. This was a great story about reconnecting with an old love. It also shows the connecting of two MC groups. This story left me hoping that I will get to see another season from this group. The only sad thing was that it didn’t take long to get through all four of these stories.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.



386 reviews5 followers

November 17, 2018

The DBMC is back and better than ever!! Not only have the authors of this awesome series done something totally new, collaborating with readers, but they totally scored with these new stories (at least in my humble opinion they did!). These new books are filled with some serious testosterone and shows the DBMC girls as they have not been seen before. We get to see Links in her role as enforcer, and that was an eye opener, and see Titz really let loose in way that I didn’t see in the first book.

All of the stories in this season are about prospects looking to get into the club, but we also get to learn more about the Southern Lords MC, and boy howdy was that a smashing hit in my book!

Lost Highway by Avelyn Paige and Dani Lawson is about Shotz. And whoa boy was this a doozy of a story. Declan is dang luscious and goes after what he wants, and he really delivers in every department. And Shotz is really something. Her character is very strong and she has learned more about herself and her strength. Truly an awesome read.

Lay Your Hands on Me by Winter Travers and Nikki Horn deals with Kit. We met Kit in the last season as is Stiletto’s sister. And what she finds in this book is home, something that I feel that she has been searching for for a while. And we get to see more Mr. Johns, who I found to be an absolute hoot!

No Regrets by Geri Glenn and Carissia Beckler deals with Onyx and her two (you read that right … two scrumptious hunks of burning love (sorry couldn’t help myself)) new suitors. Now this book was freaking AWESOMESAUCE! The danger to the club is ramped up and we really get to see how these ladies lay down the law.

‘Til We Ain’t Strangers Anymore by GM Scherbert and Liz Preston is about Triple D, or Billy Jo. She gets more than she bargained for in this book. She has been knocked down a couple of times, but finally she is going to get her own person knight on shining chrome that slay her demons, if the DBMC women don’t get to them first. Loved Titz in this story. Her level of crazy really ramps up and one part had me laughing, even if it shouldn’t (have to read to understand … but you will).

Overall, A++++++++! Totally awesome addition to the DBMC storyline and new awesome characters being introduced. The women ratchet up the damage and shenanigans. Some of it with hilarity and some of it with a good old fashion whopping! I so totally recommend and cannot wait for the next season to come out! Happy reading!!

Dana Busenbark

2,521 reviews29 followers

November 16, 2018

Lost Highway by Avelyn Paige - who are Eric and Della? What do we learn about Della's life? Who ends up getting Della to prospect for the DBMC? What happens after Billy makes his delivery late? I love Della's road name! Wanna learn how she got it? Who is tall, dark, and handsome? Why he is at the bar and then the PD? Then you need to read this story! This was an intense read!

Lay Your Hands on My by Winter Travers - In this story, we meet Kit. Who is Mr. Johns? What does he want at Stiletto's shop? Who is Rex and why does he accompany Mr. Johns? What do we learn about him? When Rex and Kit go for pizza, what does Rex say that seems to offend Kit? This ends up being such a sweet story! Enjoy!

No Regrets by Geri Glenn - Oh my gosh! Cutz! Who is Onyx? Who does she prspect for? Where do the DBMC ladies go out to? What really crazy thing does Cutz do? Who is Becket? What is the relationship between them? What causes Beckett to end up in the hospital? What is done about it and by who? Read and see what happens!

'Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by GM Scherbert - I find myself relating to 3D a bit. Who is she? What was her life like before arriving in Magnolia Springs? How about since? Who is Leeds? How does her relationship with him change the course of her life? When Leeds catches up to 3D when she is out for a ride and they stop to talk, what happens? Read and see!!


    domestic-violence first-love love

Lita Thomas

1,460 reviews22 followers

November 16, 2018

Dirty Bitches MC: Season 2 by Avelyn Paige, Geri Glenn, GM Shubert & Winter Travers is the next installment about the Dirty Bitches. This book is four stories about 4 different prospects. Each lady has issues they need to overcome and the ladies of the club is their way to living. First story is Della's aka Shotz. She has left a verbally, emotionally and physically abuse marriage. A childhood friend of Dixie aka Rogue. The next is Kit who is River aka Stiletto 's kid sister. Kit is still trying to find herself. Next story is Onyx aka Cutz. She is sponsored by Links. Cutz is in a dry spell when it comes to sex. On a girls night out Cutz encounters not one but two men. And last is Billie Jo aka Triple D. She has a poor track record when it comes to men. When a blast from her past appears things get interesting. I can say I like some story better than others but each story was good. As always Titz is a hoot and a sexual deviant of the highest order and it is also nice to catch up with the rest of the club. You can read this book as a standalone but I would suggest reading season 1 first. A 4.5 star read for me. I wonder where the authors will take the next book. I guess I will just have to wait.


2,328 reviews50 followers

November 15, 2018

The ladies that make up the DBMC are just too much. I love these ladies. They are sassy, funny, loyal and bad to the bone. The authors have once again given us 4 stories that are well written with characters you can’t help but feel like they are part of your family. Kudos for a job very well done.

As we know from DBMC season 1, the member all found a prospect to sponsor. Well season 2 is their stories and may I say they found 4 fantastic candidates to prospect into the club. The stories will have you laughing one minute and cheering them on when troubles come their way. And lets not forget their love lives, they are hot, intense and anything but vanilla. Plus, we get to catch up with our original DB’s and their shenanigans.

2 Thumbs for a Brilliant Season 2. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend both Season 1 and 2. While season 2 can be read as a standalone, I strongly recommend reading Season 1 first. You won’t be sorry if you jump on the bikes with the DBMC. 5 Fabulous stars.


2,744 reviews51 followers

November 16, 2018

The Dirty Bitches are back and they are even bigger and better than they were in season 1. All our favourites return in season 2 and with them they bring the new prospects to entertain, captivate, make us laugh and let’s not forget the hot alpha men that come along for the ride. Each of the authors brings something a little different to the table at church for the DBMC but every story blends seamlessly with the other. Season 2 is action packed, dirty like only the bitches know how to be and also filled to the brim with family, friends and loyalty. If you like a ride that is hard, hot and fast but will leave you thoroughly satisfied, then throw your leg over and hold on tight because the DBMC is back.

Jacey Jeffrey

1,016 reviews

November 16, 2018

DBMC is back and I am so freakin excited!!! I loved revisiting with the MC and reading the stories about the new prospects and their journey on becoming full members of the MC and finding love to go with it. The individual stories are so good....I loved each one and was hooked from beginning to end. Each story will make you laugh, tear up, swoon, and fan yourself from all the steamy goodness. I loved revisiting with the original ladies of DBMC and seeing what was going on with their lives and of course all the mischief they get into!! Another fantastic book from this group of talented authors and I highly recommend this book and season 1.....both books are totally worth the read I promise!! I can't wait to read what comes next from the DBMC....well done!!!!

Mindy McCray

1,153 reviews9 followers

November 16, 2018

I love the whole idea of the prospects getting books. I loved the first season with the original members but this one was so much more than I hoped for! The DBMC are a loyal group of women who stick together even when the past catches up with them. And I can't forget about Titz. That woman. She freaking crazy, and hilarious. I'm not sure how they get anything done with her around. I hope we get to see more of this MC series!!

Beyond The Covers Blog

2,513 reviews88 followers

November 15, 2018

I need some more of these Dirty Bitches my life! I love the fact that this set was written of prospects because let's face prospects really don't get a whole lot of love sometimes. This book has it all and the fact that each story is written by a different author just makes it so much better and once you open the book your drag into that world with no way out until you read the end. Can't wait to see what they do with the next one.

Jennifer Oloughlin

879 reviews3 followers

November 16, 2018

Lost Highway

Della and Declan sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

Lay Your Hands on Me

Kit and Rex were so cute.

No Regrets

Hot. Hot. Hot.

Til We Ain’t Strangers Anymore

Bastian and Billie Jo were sweet with a little crazy sprinkled in.

*i read an arc

debbie mason

479 reviews3 followers

November 14, 2018

I love these crazy, dirty bitches! I have a hard time being partial, although I must admit I do have a little favoritism towards Winter and Nikki because I have met them and been conversing on FB a since the beginning. That being said, book 2 will not leave you dissapointed. I laughed, cried, lusted, loved and creamed my undies!!! These women are amazing and their men are my fantasies! Can't wait for the next book!


134 reviews13 followers

November 16, 2018

Review coming soon.

Mona williams

2,617 reviews23 followers

November 14, 2018

wow talk about some hot men! its short stories that are all tied together with the girl biker club. some are about abuse and others are just plain funny. you will love each short story these gals wrote! a must read for sure!

Kim Richards

1,338 reviews7 followers

November 18, 2018

Once again the ladies of the Dirty Bitches MC have written four fantastic stories, that will keep you captivated and wanting to join their MC.
I was pulled into each story from the beginning and stayed until I have finished reading the last word on each. All the time I was watching the mini movies of the stories in in my head.
Each story is pack full of surprises, some you will see coming and others you won't but all of them will leave you wanting more.
Emotions are raging from the characters some more than others but I felt each ad everyone and went through them along with the characters. I did find myself at times shouting at the characters, as they got my back up, but they redeemed themselves.
I highly recommend this book, but if you have read season 1 then I would say read it first as it will give you a better insight to the members of the MC and any other characters that are in both seasons.
I also would like to say that I loved the way two of the authors wrote along with two ladies that are not authors, by they became characters within the book, fantastic job ladies.
Well worth the rating I have given it and I am only sorry that I can't give them more stars cos it is so worth it.


337 reviews2 followers

December 2, 2018

This was just as good as Season 1 although it did feel a bit shorter at times. I didn’t mind how short each story was though because of the connection I made with each character right away. I think my favorite story has to be No Regrets, because it really hit me with the emotions. I’m a sucker for single moms finding love! The stories were all written amazingly and draw you in immediately. And I have to say, my sides were killing me from all the things Titz said and did! I can’t wait for Season 3!

Mandy Saial

1,154 reviews

November 22, 2018

I love all of these Ladies .
We get to know more about them as these four authors stories dive deeper into the past and present lives of the DB's . It's not all sunshine and roses , there are some real life issues playing out in these pages. Heartbreak , abuse , love , loss and some really Hilarious moments that had me dying , But there are also some Steamy Hot AF men sexing up these woman's lives .
I Def . Need more of the DBMC

    favorites funny mc


382 reviews1 follower

November 24, 2018

Great story

Season 2 is just as great as Season 1. Getting to see the characters and having the Prospects become members has been very satisfying. I can't wait for Season 3 and the new group of ladies to become Dirty Bitches.

Vikki Purcell

537 reviews5 followers

November 24, 2018

Again these authors have brought us an awesome read. The second book is filled with plenty of twist and turns


213 reviews1 follower

December 3, 2018

Bitches Rule

You don't want to mess with the women of the Dirty Bitches MC because they will take you down. They are passionate and strong women who have each other's backs.

Kim Brewing

3,358 reviews36 followers

December 12, 2018

I was curious to see if season 2 was going to live up to season 1...and it did!!! Love this group of authors and stories. Can't wait for more

Natalie Johnson

284 reviews5 followers

November 19, 2018

Four stories from four very talented authors: Geri Glenn, Avelyn Paige, Winter Travers and GM Scherbert. This is the second book in the Dirty Bitches MC. We got to see Della, Kit, Onyx and Billie Jo’s stories.

We still see the original members, but this time we get to read about the prospects stories. I love that this is an all female MC and they try the take care of their problems on their own.

I recommend this book to anyone that loves MC stories. Especially stories that have a different twist than the ordinary!

Keyla Brazao

25 reviews

November 20, 2018

This is what I call an excellent anthology. It includes incredibly written stories that tells us what MC is all about: family and brotherhood. In this season we get to see what the prospects are willing to do to become part of this genuine brotherhood. In most of the MC books we dive into the world of active members of the clubs, but we never get to see in full details the lives of the prospects. I am very excited for what's to come.

Carol Morgan

518 reviews4 followers

November 21, 2018

Loved this follow up to the first season & the catch up with all our favourite bitches plus their new prospects finding love & lust even when they are not expecting it . My favourite of the new Bitches is Della , shes a woman that survived been tortured & beaten down by her ex husband & never gives up even when he keeps on threatening her & trying to control her life , lucky for her she has a hero on the horizon not that she really needed him when the Dirty Bitches & their various partners have her back , my other favourite is Onyx , greedy girl gets two men to keep her happy . This book combine great characters , Titz still tops my list , with storylines that are hard hitting but also stick a bit of humour even in the darkest of plots , can't wait for another catch up from the girls .

Charlotte Isaac

1,896 reviews6 followers

November 17, 2018

Wow, what another season. This books get better and better. Each author took on a reader, and made them part of the series. And I love all these authors.

Lost highway

We finally get more information on Shots. And how she came to be with the mc. It's another amazing story.

Lay your hands on me
Another amazing story. We get to meet more of Kit.
This book was surprising, and lovely at same time.

No regrets

We finally find out more about cutz. And I love her.
I won't give much away, but this book is heartwarming and hot.

Til we ain't strangers no more

I loved this book, this is a second chance book it made feel like everyone deserves their happiness and chance.


Lynne Garlick

2,109 reviews24 followers

November 18, 2018

Woo hoo!! They are back!! I FLOVE this MC! These women take no prisoners when it comes to protecting their family and that's what they are, be they blood or not, their bond is tighter than any family could be.
I loved getting to know the new prospects and what led them to the Dirty Bitches MC. Each story as individual as the characters and writing partners, keeping me gripped to every word. And holy hotness! Those men! I look forward to more from this awesome MC!

Linda Diamond

669 reviews9 followers

November 21, 2018

Dirty Bitches MC

I loved the first book but I gotta say these authors have out done themselves with this book! This book will keep you hooked from the first page to the last,such awesome stories and they are so well written. Loved them can't wait for the next one!!!


2,546 reviews50 followers

November 17, 2018

Wow, what a great season 2 of the DB MC! I really loved season 1 but I found I loved season 2 more as it was dirtier and definitely steamier than its predecessor 😍 While season 1 focused on the originally DBs, the second season focuses on the women that are prospecting to get into the MC. One of them is Stiletto’s sister, Kit and a few other new names amongst these❣️

Thank you Geri for my advanced copy, for which I leave my honest review and I eagerly await more stories in this spectacular series😍

Dirty Bitches MC: Season 2 (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.