Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (2024)

Karen Mc

1,001 reviews754 followers

March 26, 2017

“The devil is not as black as he is painted.”

Jay Crownover painted her latest story at the Point, Honor, in black and red with maybe a hint of white to represent the darkness that often eclipsed the light. I thought I was prepared for the battle this book would bestow on me, but nothing could have primed me for Honor, Jay Crownover’s blackest book ever. No pep talk or words of wisdom would have helped me walk through the pits of hell where the devil reigned, praying for a sliver of light. All I could do was dive in and silently pray for mercy on my emotions, hoping they would stay at bay.

I wanted to rush through this riveting read, soaking up all of the ‘Crownover Crack.’ My emotions engulfed like flames, making me read in smaller doses. Some of these doses delivered darts of darkness that made me pull away to try to catch my rapidly beating heart. Honor swiftly sank my soul, where it drowned in the dark in hopes to see light. Honor was my enchantment. My escape. My EVERYTHING.

The Introduction warned me, willing those feels to stand down. The Prologue prepared me for this battle, a book I knew would wreck me…and oh did it tear me apart. This battle was dark and deadly, one forged from the depths of hell, but one where I had to survive. This dark devil’s tale became my demise and I wanted to fight by his side. I knew Nassir’s story would be the hardest to digest and the longest from which to heal, but a story perhaps more worthy than those of the others who paraded the Point.

“I wasn’t just part of a war…I was the war.”

Nassir Gates, the beautiful man who is the power of the Point, had already waged a war in his past life that made the Point look like a playground. This brave boy went to war alone with no one by his side, not even his family.

“There was an army of one, and the war he fought was for survival and self-preservation.”

I wanted to hug the boy who was robbed of his childhood. I could not help but break and bleed for the man forced to become the monster…all that he’s even known. Until one woman lends him a lifeline, a sliver of light in the depths of darkness. A life with lost meaning, Honor is Nassir’s reason to live.

“She was so much more than freedom. She was Honor.”

Nassir’s salvation and soul rest in Honor, a virtue and savior. Beautiful and vibrant Keelyn ‘Key’ Foster danced her way through Nassir’s club and into his heart, giving him a reason to care…a reason to live…for the first time ever. She left him once the devil revealed a glimpse of an angel, fleeing from her past. It’s time for the devil to pay his dues and take what’s taunted him and holds a piece of him: Honor.

“My devil wasn’t going to push me…he was going to do what devils did best. He was going to tempt me.”

Oh what a temptation Nassir Gates was from outside in. Golden skin and bronze eyes, dark hair, and a body made of perfection with a dominance that made me melt. This monster if made into superhero would be the Punisher, half villain and half hero, as Nassir walks a fine line between good and evil. Key did not stand a chance against this dashing devil.

“I was made to stand out not to blend in, and I was going back to the Point ready to shine.”

Of course, Nassir doesn’t stand a chance against Key either as she is the only one to unlock his frozen heart. Beauty, brains, and bravery in spades, Key is Nassir’s equal in every way. She is her own warrior. Both are a match made in heaven forged in hell.

“You are so deep inside of me I feel like I’m missing pieces of myself when you aren’t around.”

The devil melted me, even making me swoon. The heart I tried to freeze to stay strong in this story shattered so many times.

“He kissed like he did everything else, with finesse, with skill, with demand and force.”

His beautiful battle warrior wills him to fight as she doesn’t want to want Nassir, but can’t help the power and passion that permeate between them. This devil plays dirty to collect his dues, needing the Key to his heart.

“I’m not giving you my heart.”

“You don’t have to give it to me, because I’m going to take it one way or another.”

One dark angel…one mixed devil…one team…one war. Tragedy strikes, blood is shed, and war wages on the Point where lives are altered forever. The past may be the most dangerous weapon of all.

“When you make your home in hell, you want to have the devil in your corner.”

Oh did this devil dancing on the city of doom demolish every part of me. Honor dipped me into the darkness, dangling my emotions off a cliff, where I could not help but fall. I FELL HARD for Honor, a story that shook my soul with a force I did not see coming, but one that engulfed every emotion like a raging inferno. Honor BLEW ME AWAY!!!

Honor hit my heart hard, wrecking it—wrecking me—in the best way. Haunting, heartbreaking, and heroic, Honor is a must-read romance that rages among the ashes in an epic story of the hardest-fought love ever. HONOR WAS EVERYTHING!!!

Only Jay Crownover can make you fall in love with the devil and follow him to the pits of hell. Oh did I want this dashing devil in my corner, Nassir, my dark knight. I fell so deeply in love with a villain who—hidden beneath the mask—was a hero with a heart. Jay Crownover’s writing reaches inside deeply, grabs your heart, holding it in its hands, and then both hits and hugs it so hard. With each story Jay Crownover writes, I fall deeper into her spell that I’ve dubbed ‘Crownover Crack’ since meeting this author’s first masterpiece, Rule, years ago.

Those devastatingly beautiful books that authors pen like paint to a canvas, so vivid and valuable…THOSE ARE THE ONES THAT STEAL MY SOUL AND OWN ME FOR LIFE. Jay Crownover is one of those wondrous writers of brilliant books that break you, bind you, and brandish themselves to you forever. It’s that ‘Crownover Crack’ that hits me harder each time, where I’m rendered with the worst yet best emotional hangovers. My ride through heaven and hell was a huge honor, one I’d do again in a heartbeat.

5 ‘but worth 10’ heart-hitting and honor-filled stars

BookWorm 221

954 reviews79 followers

October 4, 2016


ARC provided by publisher via Inkslingr/Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

Oh my goodness what a book!!!

I loved every minute of it, it was so addicting that I couldn’t stop reading and when I did I kept thinking back to it. Jay Crownover certainly is one of my favorite authors, she always creates characters that are so complex and lovable, even a bad guy like Nassir that should make you be scared of what he is capable to me he was just a guy that so in love with a girl that everything he did was for her. So so lovely! And I’m sure that Nassir would hate it that that’s what I think of him and how I saw him when I was reading the book.

I don’t think I ever read a book that had this much sexual tension, every page I was expecting these two to just combust but it never happened . . . until it did and it was perfect.

It is easy to see how Nassir’s upbringing affected him and shaped him but it was also so heartwarming to see that despite everything that he has done and seen he can still feel love and not just desire and possession over someone else.

This book has become a top favorite of mine from Miss Jay Crownover.

Keep Calm and Read On

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    2016 arcs-2016


4,137 reviews34.8k followers

October 9, 2016

4 stars!

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (4)

From the moment we met Nassir in Jay’s Welcome to the Point series, I was intrigued. The more we got to see him and learn about him, the more I wanted a book for him. He’s one of the bad guys who isn’t all bad, but has been through a lot. I’ve always liked him, even when I probably shouldn’t have. In Honor I couldn’t help but love him.

His relationship with Keelyn has always been a little different. He met her when she was dancing and from the first time they met, he protected her, stood up for her. And he’s been doing it ever since. If you read the last ‘Point’ book, you know some things went down and Keelyn took off. Well, Nassir is not the type of guy to get someone he cares about just go. Not without a fight.

One of the things that intrigued me most about this story and Nassir in general was his past. Reading about it gave you a lot of insight about the man he is today. His past shaped him. It made him the man he is now. My heart broke for him. Yet I loved him and respected him even more after reading about all that he had been through.

Keelyn I had mixed feelings for at the start. All that pushing and pulling she was doing stressed me out a bit. But later in the story, she completely won me over. I loved how she stood up for Nassir, for what they had. No matter what the obstacle was, she overcame it. She was more than just his girl, she was his partner, his other half, his equal. Nassir hasn’t had that before and it’s something he desperately needed. I loved Key talking to another woman of the point… this quote was spot on.

“These men we love...” She gave her head a little shake and a soft smile tilted up the edges of her mouth. “They should come with clear warning labels. Not that it would matter because our hearts wouldn’t pay attention anyway.”

Keelyn and Nassir were great characters separately with a lot of strength and determination, but it’s together that they really shined. Their strength intensified when they were together. They could get through anything with each other, and they had each others backs 100%. I know Nassir had never had that before. Someone he could trust that had his back. Their attraction to one another and chemistry was just an added bonus to the rest of the story.

Honor is intense, edgy, suspenseful, steamy and romantic. It’s a bit of a darker romance with an imperfect anti-hero and a heroine who can stand on her own. I love Crownover’s writing and you can tell she really put her heart into writing Nassir’s book. I can’t wait to get back into the Point. I’m still waiting on Booker’s story here ;)

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (5)


3 reviews27 followers

September 16, 2016

I thought I knew what to expect when I started reading Honor, but I was wrong. It was a lot darker than I expected. If you think the three Point books were dark, the first book in The Breaking Point is so much more than that. There are very few authors who can make my stomach flip with anticipation and Jay is definitely one of them. I found the prologue difficult to read, giving us an insight to Nassir’s backstory.

One of the things I appreciate is, as the rest of Jay’s books, this is dual POV. There were some pivotal scenes that are typically written in the heroine’s POV, but I was thrilled to see those scenes through Nassir’s eyes. His demeanor, his composure, his inner thoughts were on display for all of us to see. There’s so much more to both Nassir and Key than you could ever imagine. Nassir and Key are both such strong characters, you can’t help but root for them. There’s just so much I want to say, but can’t without spoiling the book and, frankly, spoilers are evil.

I will say, you will NOT be disappointed with this book. I took my time reading because I really wanted to feel the book. I love all of Jay’s books and have yet to be disappointed, but I think this one has definitely been bumped to the top of the list. I absolutely love the Devil and he’s very much not in disguise.

Clumsy Storyteller

351 reviews721 followers

November 14, 2018

3.5 Stars

“I was born and bred to fight and never give up. The fight was in my bones. It was in every breath I exhaled. It was in every drop of blood that poured out of me and painted the soil.

    2016-reading-assingment chick-lit crime-does-it-pay

Aestas Book Blog

1,059 reviews75.2k followers


October 26, 2016

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (9)

“Don’t ever doubt that I think you were worth the wait.”

THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING!! I was in the mood to read something SEXY and EDGY but with a heart-stopping ROMANCE and a story that would be UNIQUE and DIFFERENT... and this book delivered EXACTLY what I was looking for!!! The hero was POWERFUL, controlling, with a truly tragic backstory that had turned him into what some people might call a villain, but he had a heart of gold in many ways and was completely DEVOTED to the one and only girl he'd ever loved. He was deeply flawed and complex, but that was what made me adore his character. And the heroine was BADASS. Seriously, this chick was just so STRONG. She went toe-to-toe with him on every level and I just LOVED the way they were EQUALS in their own right. This book was AWESOME!! A new top favorite!

This was completely 'my kind' of story —not because I necessarily like reading books exactly like this but because of its uniqueness and intensity. Those are two qualities I search for endlessly in books. I want a book that tells a story that isn't quite like any other one I've read and I want to FEEL the journey the characters go through in my heart. I want to be invested in their story. Now that I've read this, I wouldn't want to read another book 'like' this because I've already read this one. But this book and everything in it was exactly what I wanted to read, if that makes sense.

Don’t be fooled.
Don’t make excuses for me.
I am not a good man.

I’ve seen things no one should, done things no one should talk about. Honor and conscience have no place in my life. But I’ve fought and I’ve survived. I’ve had to.

The first time I saw her dancing on that seedy stage in that second rate club, I felt my heart pulse for the first time. Keelyn Foster was too young, too vibrant for this place, and I knew in an instant that I would make her mine. But first I had to climb my way to the top. I had to have something more to offer her.

I’m here now, money is no object and I have no equal. Except for her. She's disappeared. But don’t worry, I will find her and claim her. She will be mine.

Like I said, don’t be fooled. I am not the devil in disguise...
I’m the one standing front and center.

When I first read the blurb, I immediately knew I wanted to read this book. But it was the author introduction and prologue that really made me drop everything to read it immediately. Something about the whole idea behind this story and its characters just completely captivated me. I do want to preface the rest of this review though by saying that while this book is at times gritty and edgy, I do not consider it to be a dark read. If you're a more sensitive reader, I think you'll be just fine. But if you're a reader who likes that edge, I think you'll be quite satisfied as well. Just don't go expecting 'dark', because you're not going to find it here. But what I did find was a completely absorbing and deeply addictive story that grabbed my attention strongly from the very first page.

“I was born and bred to fight and never give up. The fight was in my bones. It was in every breath I exhaled. It was in every drop of blood that poured out of me and painted the soil.”

From the start of the book you're thrown into the chilling, gripping, and incredibly painful backstory of Nassir Gates. His character was a man moulded by the brutality and violence he was born into, with an all-too-realistic background that is very scarily current within our world. It's both heart-breaking and horrifying, while making you believe without a shadow of a doubt why he became the way he is.

His character was enigmatic and complex. Part villain, part anti-hero... a bad guy with a heart of gold and his own code of ethics. An intense man with a commanding presense that people instinctively either respected or feared. He was his own law, operating under rules of his own making in a world he dominated. But I had a lot of respect for his fairness. His brutality was a reflection of the world he existed in, but at his heart, he was in fact a good man. So much of our world is black and white -- good or bad -- he just happened to exist in the grey zone.

“He’s been hungry for a taste since the first day I met him, and while I had always been tempted to feed the beast, fear of losing more than my fingers to those vicious jaws always kept my from offering up myself on a platter. The only thing I ever wanted was to be my own person, to thrive and be independent, making my own rules and answering to no one. The only thing he wanted was for me to be his.”

Nasser Gates, half man and half monster. He was lethal and toxic, keeping all that sinister beauty covered up in a ridiculously expensive suit that made him look elegant and falsely civilized. To the untrained eye, he was an outrageously handsome man that looked like he was on his way to a business meeting, but if you had spent any time on the streets, if you were familiar with life in the gutter, there was no missing who he really was, what he was. The top of the food chain. If you knew about what it took to make it from where I came from, you could look at him and see that he not only thrived in chaos, but was conformable there. He even managed to make it look good.

Keelyn pleasantly surprised me with how strong and badass she was! I loved her fiery independence, her pride, and her strength. I loved that no matter how big, bad, powerful, or intimidating a man Nassir was, she truly matched him. I loved that she didn't just give into what he wanted, she stood for what she wanted and made him respect her boundaries. I don't know why but I actually thought she'd be more of the 'damsel in distress' needing to be saved type of character. I was half right. She was a damsel and she did start out in distress, but unlike the fairy tales, she was fully committed to saving herself. And I loved that Nassir saw that and literally just waited for her to be ready to be with him. He didn't push her, didn't bully or try to control her, he just waited, trusting in the connection he knew they both felt and knowing that sooner or later, she'd be drawn back to him.

“Why me, Nassir?” You don’t have patience for anything that isn’t perfect and I am far from that. Why would you wait for me all this time, especially when you have beautiful woman dying to take my place?”

“If not you, then who, Keelyn? Who else has the fight and strength to stand with me in this city. You own a part of it just like I do. You earned your place here while I took mine, and you might not want to be Honor but you have it in spades. You care about this place and the people in it. You care about me even though you know you shouldn’t. You’re the only one in my life who has ever been worth waiting for.”

I can't say this enough -- I LOVED the way he let HER come to HIM. This man who was able to control any scenario and anyone willingly relinquishing control was the most romantic and sexy thing ever. Restraint, if written well, can be a million times hotter than any sex scene and seriously just the brimming sexual tension between them was **whew** HOTTTTTT!!!! Even just their first kiss had me fanning myself like crazy!

She was my endgame. She was what had given my life meaning, and now she was breathing that very essence back into me and it felt perfect. She was everything.
My hands ached to touch her. My fingers twitched so hard they hurt as I latched them on to the edge of the marble counter behind her… She wanted to control me. She wanted to call the shots… I wanted her forever, on my terms, and I knew the only way to make that happen was to make her want to surrender. She had to give herself up to me and to the kind of life I could offer her. I knew she didn’t want to belong to me, but she did.

And for those of you who love steamy reads, you will be rewarded well because once they give into each other, their passion is just something else!

“How far do I have to push until you fall for me?”
He chuckled… “I like it when you push at me, even when you’re pushing me away. I mean, you’re here and you’re fighting, me or yourself. It doesn’t matter… But I fell for you long ago, so there’s nowhere else for me to go.”

I should also mention that this book seriously had SUCH. GOOD. WRITING!!! I've read several of Jay Crownover's books and loved them but this book was something else. She was seriously on freaking point with it (no pun). I actually just decided to count them for fun and I have highlighted 40 quotes in this book!!

Characters who hover in the grey zone are the most intriguing to me. A bad guy who is just a psycho murderer is undeniably bad but not too interesting to read about because they're one dimensional. But a guy who is good at heart, but does bad things tempered with morality and his own code of honor is just plain fascinating to read about. They're unpredictability makes you desperate to learn more about them...

Nasser never stopped fighting… And the fact that he understands he won’t ever be able to make up for all the things he did before getting to the Point is what keeps him human. His regret is what keeps him from going back to being nothing more than a weapon waiting to be aimed and used without thought as to who he might be pointed at. He cares about things here even if others don’t see it. He has a cause here, his own kind of code, which might never make him a good man but does make him a better one than he was before. The Point gave Nassir his own kind of honor.

...and it also makes it mean so much more when a character like that falls in love because you know that for a person who is as damaged and hardened as them to give their heart to someone else is a huge deal.

I probably have never done it right, but I have always loved you, Keelyn Foster.”

This book can be read as a standalone if you wish. I read it as a standalone. Technically, it's part of the Welcome To The Point series and characters from other books do show up in this one but I was never confused and never felt like I was missing anything. So you really can just dive right into this one. My personal feeling is that I'm really glad I read this book alone just because this particular book within the series was about the kinds of characters that matched the mood I was looking for. It hit the spot and gave me complete reader satisfaction.

The only thing is that I wasn't ready for the book to end. It's quite rare for me to say that 'I wanted more', but I found myself surprised that this book ended when it did. I actually flipped the page expecting it to continue and was surprised that it was over. To clarify, there IS a resolved ending and NO CLIFFHANGER, but I think I just wasn't ready to let go of these characters yet. While this book can standalone, there are more stories to tell within this world but if it had had an epilogue, this book would have been 5 stars for me because I LOVED the story, I LOVED the characters, I LOVED the writing, and I LOVED the entire experience of reading this book.

I can't recommend this book highly enough!! It was unique, intense, and captivating! The romance was passionate, believable, and oh-so-sexy! The characters were flawed, complex, and fascinating! The writing was addictive and made me completely lose myself within the story! It was everything I could hope for in a book -- a TOP FAVORITE!!

PS: Also, as a side note, this whole world would make a pretty awesome TV show. I could totally see it as an episodic storyline format with an much larger story ARC over a whole season. Kinda random thought, but it would be awesome if this were ever translated onto screen. This world, the characters, and stories would be a fantastic fit!

Rating: 4.5 STARS!!! Can standalone. (Technically, this book is part of the Welcome To The Point series of standalones, but you can read it totally separately. I've only read this book and I was fine!)

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Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (10)


SueBee★bring me an alpha!★

2,417 reviews14.9k followers

Want to read

October 18, 2016

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (12)


Stand-alone book 1
Don't be fooled.
Don't make excuses for me.
I am not a good man.
I've seen things no one should, done things no one should talk about. Honor and conscience have no place in my life. But I've fought and I've survived. I've had to.
The first time I saw her dancing on that seedy stage in that second rate club, I felt my heart pulse for the first time. Keelyn Foster was too young, too vibrant for this place, and I knew in an instant that I would make her mine. But first I had to climb my way to the top. I had to have something more to offer her.
I'm here now, money is no object and I have no equal. Except for her. She's disappeared. But don't worry, I will find her and claim her. She will be mine.
Like I said, don't be fooled. I am not the devil in disguise… I'm the one front and center.

    fangirling g-contemporaries kindle


2,668 reviews3,277 followers

October 18, 2016

4 Crownover's Raw Passion Stars
* * * * NO SPOILERS It's Live!!!
Authors don't write in a vacuum...they may work consistently delivering book after book for our enjoyment...But I think, sometimes certain experiences from their creating and living with these characters they conjured up, can crawl into certain parts of their minds and hearts....causing these Authors to develop a need to tell a personal tale so intense, it takes them over.

After reading the acknowledgements from Jay Crownover for her latest book, Honor... this was the case, in my opinion, She created this place, The Point and its series, Welcome to the Point. One of the central characters of all three books in the series was Nassir. It seems he was a very violent dark figure and totally captivated by a woman named Keelyn. Throughout the series, these two interacted and did the dance of each wanting each other but not acting on it; at least that was my impression, as I had not read the series.

But for Jay Crownover, Nassir would not leave her mind.... causing her to dive deep and write herself raw for him and Keelyn. This book is the first of a new series also located at The Point. I read it and was able to follow and understand the love story; however, I think reading the past series where Nassir and Keelyn were introduced would enhance the experience.

This has more of a character study of both people; of how they are necessary for each to function. How both need to be in each's orbit to make things right for them. We see why Nassir is who he is and how Keelyn represents at first all that could be good in his life... and then becomes the focus of his Honor in his heart and actions.

Both of these people have led lives which any other person would not survive let alone succeed. They are both equally strong, driven, in need of control and in love with the other.

There is a full and complete plot with past characters involved to add depth to this new series. What struck me most, though was the intense need for Ms. Crownover to relay her feelings of how past experiences shape us all. The inhumanity of Nassir's life shaped his... and the difficult circ*mstances Keelyn experienced shaped her...each too hard to fathom... but for them to also have at their core the ability to love and care for others was the miracle.

Honor is a passionate piece of Jay Crownover's heart and she put it on every page.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
They say be careful what you wish for...
Because you just might get it...

He didn't think to wish for anything...
Others wished to be invisible to him as he was the Devil on Earth...

Then he saw something worth wishing for...
A wisp of a thing who pulled his dead heart strings...

Now she is invisible and he must find her...
Pity those who try to get in the way of him achieving his goal...

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) October 18th 2016

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (14)

Rachel L

1,969 reviews2,421 followers

October 14, 2016


4 stars!

“Sometimes you have to burn it all, level it all to the ground, for something new to sprout out of the ashes.”

Nobody know knows Nassir would call him the good guy. But that doesn’t mean he’s always a bad man. For years he has watched Keelyn, knowing what is between them and waiting patiently. Keelyn has recently fled the point after being put directly in the face of danger. She has no desire to go back, but when Nassir visits her in her new home, she cannot stop thinking about his offer.

Together they have the ability to rule The Point, but is that what Keelyn really wants? Or will she let the fears of “what if” stand in the way of her and Nassir.

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (16)

“So simple yet so unbelievably complicated. Everything about this man always was.”

Reading this book one thing became very clear to me: Jay Crownover put her heart and soul into writing this story. You can feel how much it means to her when you read it. Nassir is a new kind of character, one you normally only find in the dark romance novels. But what I liked about him was his logic behind his actions and the fact that he was a very rational man, he just understood the kind of world he lived in wasn’t unicorns and rainbows.

Keelyn was a great protagonist, a strong woman who didn’t take crap from anyone. She wasn’t afraid to smack down anyone who crossed her which was kind of awesome. A very compelling story with diverse and intriguing characters, this is a book by Jay Crownover you don’t want to miss!

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting something more for those we care about.”

ARC provided by publisher via Inkslingr/Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (17)

    arc-alc ebooks new-adult-mania


1,655 reviews1,112 followers

October 17, 2018

I quite enjoyed this book— even with its dark theme! “The Breaking Point “ series is another set of three books that takes place in the rough, violent town of The Point! The first book is about two characters that were well known in the last series... they were known mostly for being bad!

Honor was a notorious stripper in the town’s main club; and she was a woman no one wanted to mess with. Nassir is the antihero in the Point... he has a mysterious and dangerous vibe to him... and the only kind of softness you will get from him is when it comes to Honor!!!

I loved seeing Honor and Nassir be there for one another! I loved that the only person they trust in their lives is each other! They have a love that is all consuming and possessive and that is what I adore in my favourite couples! It was hard to read about Nasir’s past... seeing as he’s from parts of the Middle East, you can imagine how violent his life was; even when he was a child. It made my heart bleed for him, but I was also able to understand him way more.

This series has started off a lot darker than the first one; but I ‘m loving it even more!!! I’m jumping right into the second book; which is about a hot computer geek! I’m very eager to learn more about Stark!!!!

    contemporary-romance damaged-hero-heroine dark-reads

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog

2,434 reviews5,110 followers

October 15, 2016

4-4.5 stars

I didn't know what to expect when I started reading Honor but the prologue was intense and I immediately feot captivated by how the story began. Honor was an intense, dark and raw story.

Nassir was an interesting character! He was possesive, dark and hot! Keelyn was perfect I loved her sassy and strong character. Their dynamic was perfect. I loved their push and pull! There were always tension when they were together!

This is another amazing story by Jay Crownover! Her stories become better and better!

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (20)Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (21)Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (22)Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (23)

    arc best-cover want-to-read-soon


3,671 reviews2,302 followers

October 31, 2016

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (26)

I almost don't want to write this review because I don't want to have to say that I didn't love a Jay Crownover book. I'm a huge fan of her Marked Men series and I love all of her Heroes. So I was really excited for this one when I heard that it would be a little darker and the Hero was going to be a crime boss. But sadly I just didn't find him that special.

I actually never connected to him or Keelyn and it definitely affected how much I enjoyed this story. I just felt like we never got to actually know them and get all the important facts about them. To me it was like the majority of the story was just filler and nothing actually important to the story happened. It left me wanting more.

I think my big problem was the fact that there were so many characters and things mentioned from the Welcome to the Point series, which I haven't read. I figured this book could easily be read as a standalone since it's a spin-off of the previous series and not part of it. From the very first chapter I felt lost and like I was missing something big. It made it hard to get into, but I was able to figure out most of what I needed to know by the middle and that's when I started enjoying it more.

Overall, not my favorite from this author but it certainly won't be my last. I'm actually really curious about the next book but I think I'll read the previous series before that one comes out.


Bex | TotallyBex.com

549 reviews199 followers

October 12, 2016

★★ 4.5 stars! ★★

The Welcome to the Point books are my very favorite series by Jay Crownover. The Point is dark and gritty, the underworld is seedy, and ‘every man for himself’ is the only rule. I have loved every bit of being in this world and getting to know it’s inhabitants. No one embodies The Point better than Nassir Gates. He’s the mysterious man at the top of the food chain and I couldn’t wait to hear his story.

Honor grabbed me from the very first page of epigraph and I learned more about Nassir in five minutes than I had over the course of the previous books. Yes, he’s a man of mystery, he’s dangerous, and no one tells him ‘no’, but there’s a reason he has survived and thrived in an environment like The Point. He may be cold and calculating, but Jay gives us every aspect of the dark and heartbreaking past that made him the man he is today.

Keelyn knows a thing or two about survival herself. She left home at an early age after a terrifying upbringing, stripping to make money. After being shot in the last book, Key has left her old life and Nassir behind to start fresh. Nassir may have protected her while she was in The Point, but he wasn’t going to own her.

Key is so strong and independent, but she knows how to play the game. Like I said, she’s a survivor and I loved her ballsy attitude. She and Nassir may play cat and mouse games, but deep down, they know exactly who the other person is because they are exactly the same. Their tension and the chemistry is palpable throughout the entire book and I just soaked it in. Their relationship is written to perfection and I didn’t want it to end.

After reading Charged, I said that it was Jay’s best work to date. I have a feeling I will be saying that after every book of hers that I read. She truly keeps getting better and better. I love her darker books and if you are a fan of possessive anti-heroes and strong heroines, I can’t recommend Honor enough!

▸ ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

▸ Order: Kindle | Paperback | Kobo | iBooks | Nook | | Audible

▸ For more reviews, visit
Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (28)

    arc dark-romance kickass-heroine

J. Grayland

Author7 books129 followers

November 3, 2016

WoW, Loved it the dark and sometimes unemotional romance between underground night club owner Nassir Gates, a man with a tainted evil past that has been waiting for Keelyn, a pole dancer that has run away for a quieter life to mature and realise that she belongs to him and him only and he's used to waiting patiently, and getting what he wants. The story line has you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens next, and the characters are dark and hot just like the sex fantastic narration by Youssif Kamal and Sloan Carson who brought these two characters to life and gave them a voice.


1,391 reviews327 followers

October 11, 2016

3.5 stars

This is a spin off from Welcome to the Point series. As someone who never read the previous series, I did not manage to appreciate the fact that there are a bunch of supporting casts that seems to be all paired off already.

First of all, I find the writing on the wordy side. The paragraphs and sentences seems overly long. There are more than a few occasion whereby I find myself rereading the same thing over again just to understand what the author is trying to convey. But after a few chapters, I seems to be able to get use to it.

The hero, Nassir Gates is the crime boss who owned the strip club and a new sex club. From the prologue and his history as a child soldier in the middle east, he is someone who is sensitize towards violence. Nothing fazed him anymore. Is imply that he is the devil, but throughout this whole book I did not see him do anything bad. In fact, I find his character a bit tame compare to what I expect.

Keelyn used to be a stripper, but had since left her old life behind and high tail to Denver to start a new life. However, Keelyn finds that her life and soul reside back at the Point and the reappearance of Nassir finally tempted her to move back. Keelyn is a firecracker, sexually confident and someone who long for independence.

Nassir and Keelyn seems to have a great deal of history between them despite never hooking up before. In fact, he had been waiting for her ever since he first lay eye on her. I like the idea of love at first sight and the long wait, but the fact that while waiting for her, he actually have a slew of women might not be something swoon worthy. I don't need them to be celibate, but the fact that the author keep insisting he is waiting for her seems silly if he is not celibate anyway. The reason they have been avoiding each other for years is something I can't fathom. I'm just glad that they finally got their head out of their ass.

When Keelyn finally gave in and whole heartedly accept Nassir in her life, the story instantly picked up for me. They have such great chemistry together both in and out of bed. I appreciate the fact that Nassir treated her as equal and Keelyn is such a formidable partner in crime.

As for the plot, I'm find it quite underwhelming that there isn't anything dramatic or suspenseful. Nassir didn't even get to be all badass. There is something ongoing with their new club, but it seems to be more a juvenile prank than anything. However, towards the ending, the suspense and danger pick up a little and it keep me engage till the end.

Overall, I find that romance wise, the Honor seems to be pretty solid. An enigmatic crime lord always do it for me. But the plot could be better with higher suspense and more action.

    arc-netgalley assassin-mafia-hero


2,102 reviews1,339 followers

October 18, 2016

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (32)

Okay confession time… Honor is the first book that I have read from Jay Crownover. I know, I know… Jay Crownover fans are probably screaming at me why did it take me so long to finally read one of her books. Well, don’t worry after reading Honor, Jay Crownover has my complete undivided attention now.

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (33)“What I wasn’t expecting was that my cause, my reason, my purpose for living, and my something to believe in would be dancing nearly naked on a horrifically ugly stage, looking like she was going to cry at any second. She was so much more than freedom. She was Honor.”

Honor was a gritty, intense, emotional and sexy romance read. Crownover beautifully blends intrigue, steam, and sensuality in such a gripping fashion that readers like myself can’t help but be mesmerized with her words and characters. Right off the opening pages, I was hooked. Crownover’s prologue was all it took to suck me into the proverbial rabbit hole where I wanted and needed to know who is Nassir. Who is this man? Is he the devil? The hero? The monster? Or is he the unlikely anti-hero that will steal our hearts as he proves his loyalty and love for Keeyln?

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (34)

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (35)“Nassir Gates, half man and half monster. He was lethal and toxic, keeping all that sinister beauty covered up in a ridiculously expensive suit that made him look elegant and falsely civilized. To the untrained eye, Nassir was an outrageously handsome man that looked like he was on his way to a business meeting, but if you had spent any time on the streets, were familiar with life in the gutter, there was no missing who he really was, what he was. The top of the food chain.”

The strong pull of Keelyn and Nassir is one connection that can be described as magnetic. They are total opposites and yet put them together, the electric charge is so strong. This connection that they feel for one another is indescribable and hence loving a man who is dangerous will test any relationship. Behind the rough edges and his complex personality, can this unlikely anti-hero steal our hearts?

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (36)“She was undeniably beautiful. She was sexy. She was full of attitude and fight. She was strong. She was street savvy. She was my equal in every single way. I had wanted her from the first instant I saw her.”

Honor was one of those romance reads where the anti-hero steals the spotlight. Nassir’s bold and enigmatic personality draws readers to see him as a complex man but also as a man who has heart and affection for one woman only. So if you are looking for a romance that is full of complexity, intrigue, badass characters and suspense thrown into the mix then Honor is definitely the book for you. Crownover surely held me hostage with her wicked prose and vivid raw characters.

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (37) Jay Crownover

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (39) Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (40) Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (41) Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (42)

    2016 arc contemporary


373 reviews36 followers

November 3, 2016

Honor follows two strong-willed characters battling to stay in control. I liked their power play, which added electricity to their already explosive chemistry.

"Our lives are wrapped up together in a giant knot and you can’t untie it without both of us unraveling.”
“You’ve always had me in knots, Nassir. I learned to stop struggling against them all the time because that only made them tighten.”

Ezi Chinny

2,613 reviews517 followers

August 25, 2018

This one was very entertaining. I had disliked Nasir Gates since the character was introduced in the Welcome to the Point series. He wasn’t one of the good guys in that hood and I was worried to read his book because I wasn’t sure the author would be able to redeem Nasir. I was wrong.

Keelyan “Key” Foster was a former dance in Nassir’s Club but she got shot so she left. She had a really rough childhood and currently was living away from the violence that almost claimed her life in the Point. She left behind the old neighborhood including an attraction to Nassir.
When Nassir sought out Key in her new spot, the sparks between them still flew all over the place. It was clear that whatever was between them couldn’t be denied any longer.

Jay Crownover writes hood romances that I enjoy. They aren’t fluffy but they aren’t painful stories either. I knew Nassir and Key would end up together, but I wasn’t sure how that would occur. My feelings for Nassir vacillated from distrust to appreciation. The author did a great job in elucidating the enigma named Nassir. The story to showcase both Nassir and Key’s points of view. It made all the difference to learn their past misfortunes because it shaped their current personalities.
Key has a strong heroine and more than a match for Nassir. Their chemistry was intense but it didn’t overshadow the plot. Nassir was an anti-hero but you end up rooting for him anyway. Nassir and Key were an awesome pair together and when they joined forces, they were just so enjoyable to read. The book was both suspenseful and sexy. It kept me engaged from the beginning to the end. It was a really great start to a new series even though it is a continuation of an old series. I can’t wait for book 2.

Special Thanks to HarperCollins via Edelweiss for the e-arc given in exchange for an honest review.

    angsty audiobook contemporary-romance


456 reviews

March 11, 2022

Se inizialmente mi sembrava una buona lettura, andando avanti purtroppo la situazione è cambiata radicalmente. Innanzitutto, io pensavo fosse un dark romance, invece di dark non c’è assolutamente niente. Nassir, il protagonista, è il capo della malavita di The Point, ma ogni volta che era in scena con Honor, la spogliarellista che mi aveva intrigata in Better When He’s Bad, ci sono solo cuori e fiori e frasi dolci.

Non sono personaggi semplici, hanno storie complicate, principalmente Nassir, ma non ho visto nulla del diavolo che lui pensa di essere. E in quanto a Honor, si atteggia da dura e misteriosa sin dagli inizi, ma poi si rivela un cioccolatino. Mi sono sentita un po’ presa in giro. Quindi vi avviso, prendetelo per quello che è: un semplice romance. Niente di più e niente di meno, e a tratti anche un po’ pesante visto la lunghezza infinita dei capitoli che mi hanno ucciso un po’ l’entusiasmo.

The Romance Book Disciple (Samantha)

1,960 reviews339 followers

October 13, 2016

Link to full review below! Dark romance; Nassir isn't a good guy; he isn't a bad boy that is cleaning up his act. So, don't go into this thinking there will be redemption. Not gonna happen. See full review on The Book Disciple



933 reviews256 followers

October 23, 2016

3.5 stars

While the prologue was packed full of interesting and tragic bits about Nassir's history, it was strictly telling and no showing.

I loved the romantic aspect between Key and Nassir, but the rest of the story kind of fell flat for me.

    action fluff insta-love-insta-lust


1,029 reviews283 followers

September 26, 2016

**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (49)

4.5 stars

"He was both my hero and my worst enemy. He had always been my savior and my captor. He was everything I ever wanted and everything I shouldn't allow in my life, and there was absolutely no one I loved to hate more than him."

Honor was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it didn't disappoint. The prologue was so intense and powerful, I couldn't wait to learn more about Nassir and his life. I just knew he would be this unique and intriguing character and I wasn't wrong. I already wanted to know more about him when I met him in Jay's previous books, because I have a thing for anti-heroes, and Nassir is definitely that. Honor was amazing and what I loved most about this book were the characters Nassir and Keelyn. They were so interesting and unique, and I loved the developments they both went through in this book, as individuals and eventually as a couple.

"I never wanted him to know he was my greatest weakness even though he had never hidden the fact I was his."

I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Nassir. He was everything I look for in a (book) boyfriend. He was such an alpha male but was so much more than just a broody, dark, strong, aggressive, and controlling man. He was also very protective, loyal, understanding and supportive. He was imperfectly perfect in my opinion.

As for Key, the first impression that I got from her was that she was more on the silent side and someone who doesn't know what she wants. But I was very wrong, Key was such a strong and sassy woman. She didn't let Nassir push or order her around, she had her opinion and made it very known to him. Key was the only person that could melt Nassir. Nassir never played around and made it known that he wanted Key from the start, which was a major turn-on for me. She was the only one that could soften him. It was just beautiful to see how she did that. I loved how they were together. They were one strong power couple. The connection and pull between them was very powerful, it was obvious they were meant to be.

"She called me her devil and I called her my everything. We clung to each other, sweaty, spent, and forever entwined."

I loved this book. The writing style was phenomenal. I love Jay Crownover's darker books so this one is definitely my favorite so far. I really enjoyed and was intrigued by the backstory of both characters. I especially loved the development of their relationship, it was so heartbreaking and beautiful to read. I couldn't get enough of them. The only thing that was missing was an epilogue (I am a sucker for epilogues). But I know for sure that we will at least get to see what they are doing in the future books in this series (at least I hope so). In Honor we were introduced to potential two future couples, and I really hope they will get their story told in the next books.

    2016 arc reviewed

♡Julalicious Book Paradise♡

1,028 reviews70 followers

March 29, 2017

review to come closer to the release date.

Wow... I really really loved that book.

---UPDATED OCTOBER 18, 2016---

Original review on Julalicious Book Paradise

You can't know how much I was waiting for Nassir's book when I first started reading the Welcome to the Point series. I wanted to know more about this man and when Jay confirmed she was indeed going to write his book, I was jumping of happiness.

Getting my hands on this book was necessary and when I started it, it was hard to put it down. I wanted to read more. I wanted to see where it would all lead. I wanted more as simple as that and the fact that my work and other things kept me from reading it only, it was hard, but I finally made it to the end and now I feel empty because I finished it.

Nassir was always presents in the Point series and you just wondered about him. Where did he really come from? What’s in his past? What is he really thinking about? From the first book, I was intrigued by this character. He was in everyone’s life while not letting anyone really into his.

Jay didn’t disappoint with this book as she unfolds his life story. Though it didn’t surprise me, I wasn’t actually expecting that when I first tried to imagine what led Nassir to this life, but it just fits him perfectly. I could totally imagine the boy that he was back then to the man he became and we got to know. He’s not good per say, but he does take care of what he believes to be his.

As for Keelyn aka Honor, well, I liked to read more about her. We saw her in the other books too, but other than realizing she meant something more to Nassir than the others, I didn’t know much about her but Jay gave us a good insight of what kind of person she is. She is a strong and independent person who knows what her beliefs are and she won’t let anyone change them.

Their relationship was pretty much set up like a mine field; both trying to tiptoe around it yet knowing the moment they step on it, it was going to be explosive. The years of wait probably added to that effect too. I also liked the person Nassir became whenever she was around and I liked that she didn’t let him try to do everything for her; she was capable of putting him back into his place whenever she believed he was overstepping.

Overall, this book was an amazing read and such a great addition to the Point series. I recommend highly that you start with the original trilogy Welcome to the Point before reading this book though if you haven't gotten around to do it yet.

I was so happy that my friend got me an earlier copy of this book :) So thank you sooo much Damaris.

    arcs owned signed-books


794 reviews300 followers

December 19, 2016


I found the start of this book interesting.

“The rest of the world hears words like “holy war,” “the Gaza Strip,” “the promised land,” “fundamentalist terrorism,” “infighting,” “genocide,” and can turn on CNN or click on a link to see shaky footage of bombs dropping in the desert, but for me it was my day-to-day. I wasn’t just part of a war... I was the war.” - Nassir (H)

Personally, the Middle East has an integral place close to my heart. I am British, however ethnically, I am a quarter Arab. I have Muslim friends, and heartbreakingly, the world is privy to the systematic break down of the Arab nations in the name of extremism. Whenever "religion" has been called the force behind a war - I vehemently believe that no religion condones vapid war. 'Religion' is a farcical word thrown to conceal the true reason genocide happens due to subsidiaries of revenge, power, passion.

Ethnic and religious divides have no place when it comes to such injustice. Humanity is not political.

I believe the author had genuine intentions which she attempted her best to convey that. But the character of Nassir's voice came off as childish, and naive because it couldn't show the cold, harsh reality of war. Because the vocabulary wasn't developed or sophisticated enough and it didn't have the style or flair to handle such a contentious issue or the emotion of it. Whilst reading it, it felt amateur. It barely brushed the surface before we quickly move on to Nassir meeting Keelyn/Honor (stage name). It became frivolous and an instant romance. Men like that are broken and scarred and tarnished. They are brutal and suffer from PTSD. They carry forth ideas dangerous to society. Love does not reform that.

I almost wanted to DNF right there and then because my goodness, it was disgustingly frustrating that everything was trivialised and became this cliche. A man who has escaped war and a stripper pairing - really? I'm sure a man who has been around women who put the utmost importance on modesty and coverage would treat a stripper "correctly"? I'm sure a man who has suffered was just looking to find a gorgeous Caucasian and not thinking about the suffering country with women and children he has just escaped from. Understand where I'm coming from? It lacked awareness and became this fluffy, romanticised *stars in the eyes* writing when reality is plain and awful.

And I also read that they had this back and forth nonsense between them where he proceeds to be with other women whilst waiting for the h. Anyways, romance wasn't - for me the focal point. I hadn't read the series which it had been spinned off from. And it was juvenile.

So I DNF'd because I got the wrong impression of the book. Others should give this one a try if they wish. Just wasn't for me.


1,463 reviews391 followers

October 13, 2016

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (53)

{ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.}

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (54) Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (55) Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (56)

Title: Honor
Author: Jay Crownover
Category: Romance
Series or Standalone: Standalone
Plot: 4
Scorching Level:4
HEA: Not telling

Intense and pretty dark!
This is the story of Nassir & Keelyn. This is a pretty instense second chance romance.
Nassir is a dangerous but very prolific man. Shaped by pain, loss and torture, he is molded into a dark man with deathly skills.

I was honed and molded into a thing that barely had any scraps of humanity left inside of it.

There was no childhood, only revenge and vengeance.

His cold heart starts beating again when he meets Keelyn at a seedy strip club. He watches from afar, protects her, but he keeps a distance...until Keelyn leaves without looking back.
When he finds her again, he will make her realize that she belongs to him...Will he succeed?

I loved the writing; the book deals with a lot of subplots and it's full of danger and adventure. The book is long-ish, but the story was solid enough to keep me glued to my seat.
There is intense chemistry and characters that will make your heart beat faster.
Loved it. I recommend it.

4 Stars

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (57)


1,729 reviews135 followers

September 24, 2017

2.5-3 Stars, Ehhhhhh didn't do much for me:(

OK, so Rule was one of my most favorite reads ever:) BUT after that her stories have just never lived up to that high expectation:(

This book just lacked a lot for me. The storyline was intriguing, the characters were intriguing although to be honest Keely aka Honor annoyed me. The whole other house keeper "issue" also bothered me. The execution for me personally was just blah, lacking in so much "energy" needed for me to "feel" something.

I was very underwhelmed sadly but oh well, win some and lose some. This was not a winner for me.

Lover of Romance

3,284 reviews990 followers

June 8, 2022

This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceHonor (The Breaking Point, #1) (60)

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

She was my endgame. She was what had given my life meaning, and now she was breathing that very essence back into me and it felt perfect. She was everything.

First Impressions
Honor is the first book in the “Breaking Point’ series which is also connected to the “Welcome to the Point” series. I was growing my Libby library and I came across this audio that was available, and I instantly grabbed at the chance to read this one. This is an author I love reading and have really fallen behind on reading and this was the perfect chance to get back to her books,., What I have really admired from Jay Crownover is the way she writes edgy contemporary, it’s like the in-between genre between contemporary and dark romance. I wouldn’t call this dark romance but borderline it. From the first moments, I knew that this book would be a glorious one and I will be honest, this book has been on my GR Wishlist for years, I remember when this book was first released and I am not sure why I didn’t grab it up back then when this one was all the rage when it was first released, and now having read “Honor” I am having a moment of wondering why it took me so long to read this one *banging head against the wall in shame*. I will say that if you are fans of sexy alpha males, strong feisty heroines, and a second chance romance then this book will definitely work for you.

She was so much more than freedom. She was Honor

Our story begins with an introduction to the hero, Nassir, and his life growing up in the middle east, where he was used by everyone for their own causes and he found his way to escape that hell of a life to find his own life in the States. and he found his home in the Point and the one woman who had his heart and soul. He first met Keely when she was a stripper at a club and rescued her when she was attacked by an eager patron, and later saved her life when she was shot. Keelyn knew the moment that she met Nassir that what was between them was intense and real and it scared her, so she left her life in the point and the only home she had ever known and went to Denver to settle in a boring life that doesn’t bring her true satisfaction. But then Nassir comes back into her life and she realizes that her home has always been the Point with the one man who has always held her heart and now will go back to embrace his offer to be his partner in this sex club he wants to open as well as fighting for the love they have. But seducing the sexy but resistant Nassir won’t be as easy as she thinks, and with an enemy out to destroy everything Nassir has built, Keelyn will have her work cut out for her to fight for the man who deserves a life of passion and enduring love…

I was born and bred to fight and never give up. The fight was in my bones. It was in every breath I exhaled. It was in every drop of blood that poured out of me and painted the soil.

What I Loved
Honor was such a breathtaking book and held my heart captive from the first moment. The first was the author’s dedication to the innocent lives caught up in the religious war in the middle east and I knew from that dedication, that this book would be breathtaking and it definitely was!!! Definitely going to make one of the best books I have read this YEAR! I absolutely adored this story in every single way. We first get to see the type of life that Nassir grew up in and lived as a teenager and my heart just broke for him but to see him have the grit and determination to escape that life and find his own path was so beautiful. Nassir is such an alpha male, but with so many vulnerabilities that you just want to hug the male. We see his soft and caring side for Keelyn. He isn’t your typical alpha male either. He just wants Keelyn back in his life no matter what, he doesn’t go after her in a romantic relationship, he just wants her close to him, that any nearness to him is enough for him. Keelyn is a female that doesn’t give up without a fight. She knows that they have something strong and it’s worth fighting for. At first,? Nassir is resistant to pursuing anything romantic or sexual with her, but its Keelyn that uses every tool she knows to win Nassir over both his body and heart. The dynamic that we see between them was so unique in that it was the heroine that was doing the fighting in the relationship, but once Nassir falls and gives into her, he can’t let her go, and seeing his devotion and protectiveness became my catnip. He is such a bad boy and doesn’t apologize for it, but he also will fight to protect everything good in his life and wants to make the Point a place to cultivate people’s talents and Keelyn finds her passion in not just Nassir and being his business partner, but also finding her niche in the Point, and being a fairy godmother to those in need wanting a different life. The romance between Nassir and Keelyn is sexy, poignant and guaranteed to leave the reader on edge all the way through as it will capture your heart and deliver in depths and layers of delicious need.

“These men we love . . .” She gave her head a little shake and a soft smile tilted up the edges of her mouth. “They should come with clear warning labels. Not that it would matter because our hearts wouldn’t pay attention anyway.”

What I Struggled With

Nothing….this book was perfection for me!!

The Narration
This was done in dual POV, and I really liked both of the narrators, they will bring heart and personality to the story and handled their accents of Nassir very well.

Sometimes you have to burn it all, level it all to the ground, for something new to sprout out of the ashes.

Overall View
I found Honor to be a sensually charged romance that speaks to the soul of need and exhilaration of the heart. It’s a story that captivated my attention from the beginning and tugged at my heartstrings in the most unexpected ways! AN EDGY FULFILLING GEM OF A READ!

You aren’t in my world, you are at the center of it. You always have been.

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (61)

    2022-favorites-of-the-year character-alpha-hero character-bad-boy

Erica ♋️✨

490 reviews83 followers

April 29, 2018

This was my first Jay Crownover Book and it did not disappoint. I loved everything about this book the unique plot and the amazing damaged main characters. I can’t wait to read more by her because her writing is amazing.

Tanja ~ KT Book Reviews

1,450 reviews208 followers

February 6, 2017

He's a real boy Jimminy!

    2017-can-t-wait a-bit-dark angst-personal-drama

The Reading's Love Blog

1,340 reviews231 followers

February 22, 2018

RECENSIONE COMPLETA QUI: https://thereadingslove.blogspot.it/2...

Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (65)
L'uno negli occhi dell'altra trova il coraggio di vivere, il desiderio di lottare e la passione di amare. Separati sono forti, ma uniti diventano indistruttibili. Ma The Point non lascia vincitori, solo superstiti o sconfitti. Così Keelyn fugge dalla sua città, dal suo ambiente e da Nassir. Un amore tanto protettivo quanto distruttivo. Un amore che non è disposta ad ammettere per non perdere la sua forza e la sua indipendenza. Ma Nassir è disposto a giocare a carte coperte? O ribalterà tutto il gioco per poter riavere indietro la sua donna con se? Ed un uomo che ha fatto tanto del male, può sperare in un lieto fine? Un romanzo ricco di adrenalina ed amore. Non è una semplice storia d'amore, con un lieto fine alle porte. È passione, errore, intrigo, peccato, sangue e vendetta. Un uomo come Nassir che non ha paura della vita, che ha tra le mani le sorti della città e, con essa, la vita dei suoi abitanti, affida il suo cuore ad una donna che ama la sua libertà e fa di tutto per rispettare la sua dipendenza. Ma a che prezzo?
Ho adorato questo romanzo più dei precedenti della serie. Consiglio questo romanzo a tutti quelli che credono che anche un cuore oscuro, per amore, può cedere le sue redini.
Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (66)
Nassir Gates è un uomo che è stato distrutto dal suo passato, un uomo che ha combattuto per la sua vita e per ideali altrui come se non avesse un domani. Viveva sperando di sopravvivere alle avversità del suo paese, all'odio della madre per una politica sbagliata e all'amore per la libertà, l'unica cosa che gli permetteva di poter superare un presente ricoperto di sangue e macchiato di crudeltà. Motivo per il quale fugge da un futuro impossibile, per seguire un futuro che gli permetta di sopravvivere a tutto ciò che ha affrontato nel corso della sua infanzia. Sbarca a the Point, la città della corruzione e del peccato, una città che piega chiunque e salva nessuno. Nassir troverà il suo futuro in una città sconfitta ed al limite del peccato?


Honor (The Breaking Point, #1) (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.