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    Tectonophysics 391

    Neotectonic evolution of the Anaximander Mountains at the

    junction of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs

    Johan H. ten Veena,*, John M. Woodsidea, Tiphaine A.C.Zittera,b, Jean F. Dumontc,

    Jean Mascleb, Anna Volkonskaiad

    aCentre for Marine Earth Sciences, Faculty of Earth and LifeSciences, Free University, De Boelelaan 1085,

    1081 HV Amsterdam, The NetherlandsbLaboratoire de GéodynamiqueSous-marine, Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche, P.O. Box48, 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

    cUMR Géosciences Azur, Observatoire Océanologique deVillefranche-sur-Mer, P.O. Box 48, 06235 Villefranche-sur-Mer,FrancedUNESCO–MSU Centre for Marine Geosciences, Faculty ofGeology, Moscow State University, Vorobjevy Gory, Moscow 119899,Russia

    Accepted 3 June 2004

    Available online 29 September 2004


    The Anaximander Mountains, occupying an outer-arc position atthe junction of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs, have been

    studied using a suite of geophysical data including multibeamswath bathymetry, backscatter images, seismic reflectionprofiles

    and gravity and magnetic data, which support an improveddescription of its deformation history. Lithologically, thewestern

    mountains can be correlated with the neritic limestones of theBey Dağlari unit of SW Turkey. The eastern mountains relate to

    the ophiolitic Antalya Nappe Complex. In addition to thislithological contrast, a deep-seated crustal difference, which isbest

    reflected in gravimetry, relates to the mid-Tortonian Aksuthrust phase. After the Early–Middle Miocene eastwardemplacement

    of the Lycian Nappes, the Serravallian–Tortonian stage wascharacterized by the development of an array of grabens with

    N1208E strikes, which occupied a vast continental area thatextended from southern Aegean to southwestern Turkey. Duringthemid-Tortonian, the last phase of thrusting marked the onset of adifferent kinematic regime related to the westward rotation of

    the Anatolian platelet. This Late Miocene change marked thestart of differential subsidence that resulted in the formation ofthe

    Anaximander Mountains and which is reflected by an unconformitysurface between the Lower–Middle Miocene and Plio–

    Quaternary units. The Messinian–Quaternary period in the westernpart of the Anaximander Mountains was characterized by

    distributed sinistral shear parallel to N708E, which was markedby the onset of an extension on N208E-striking normal faultsthatformed long graben-like depressions. During the Pliocene, thesebasins were transected by N708E-striking sinistral strike-slipfault zones, although continued crustal extension suggestsdeformation in transtension. The eastern part of theAnaximander

    Mountains is instead characterized by N1508E-striking normaland/or oblique normal fault zones, which lack significantevidenceof strike-slip deformation. Close examination of newly calculatedpredicted relative plate motions between Africa

    (from NUVEL-1A) and Anatolia (from GPS measurements) indicatesthat plate motion vectors change rapidly at the junction

    between the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs because of the closeproximity to the pole of Anatolian rotation. These calculations

    indicate that along both the eastern Hellenic Arc and thewestern Cyprus arcs (the Florence Rise), the relative motionbetween

    0040-1951/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rightsreserved.


    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 20 444 7365; fax: +31 20 4449941.

    E-mail address: [emailprotected] (J.H. ten Veen).

    (2004) 35–65

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6536

    the Anatolian and African plates is sinistral. On the southernFlorence Rise, deformation is characterized by pureleft-lateral

    faulting, whereas farther northwest, in the eastern AnaximanderMountains, the component of strike-slip decreases. Although

    arc-normal convergence predicts the occurrence of thrustfaulting, southwestward trench retreat also causes an extension

    internal to this outer-arc domain, such that the preexistingN1208E-striking thrust faults of the Aksu phase have beenreactivatedas normal to oblique normal faults during the Plioceneand Quaternary. The observed sinistral faulting on faults strikingN708Ein the western mountains is consistent with the relative platemotion along the eastern Hellenic Arc and merges with the

    extensional domain in the eastern mountains.

    D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Anaximander Mountains; Cyprus Arc; Hellenic Arc;Neotectonics; Eastern Mediterranean

    1. Introduction

    In its initial form, plate tectonics considered plate

    boundaries between converging plates to be approx-

    imately regular simple features, with a suite of

    kinematic domains that respond in a predictable

    manner to the subduction process. These concepts

    later changed, accepting that promontories, irregu-

    larities and obliquity of lithospheric convergence at

    active margins can play an important role in sub-

    duction-zone dynamics and may generate complex

    fault patterns (e.g., Molnar and Tapponier, 1975).

    The Hellenic and Cyprus bdouble arcQ system,evolving from thesubduction of Africa beneath

    Eurasia, forms a good example of imminent continen-

    tal collision governed by promontories and irregu-

    larities at the plate boundary. Several hypotheses exist

    as to how these arcs (Fig. 1) were once connected (Nur

    and Ben-Avraham, 1978; Rotstein and Kafka, 1982),

    originally forming an approximately east–west trend-

    ing subduction zone (Le Pichon and Angelier, 1979).

    The subsequent segmentation of this originally E–W

    trending arc is believed to have been associated with

    several processes (in combination) including: (1) the

    Miocene closure of the Bitlis suture due to continental

    collision of the Arabian promontory of the African

    plate with Eurasia (Robertson, 1998) and the ensuing

    Pliocene–Recent westward extrusion of the Anatolian

    platelet into the Aegean domain (e.g., Taymaz et al.,

    1991; Le Pichon et al., 1995); (2) the subsequent onset

    of left-lateral faulting along the eastern Hellenic Arc

    (e.g., Huchon et al., 1982; Le Pichon et al., 1995; ten

    Veen and Meijer, 1998); and (3) the increasing

    curvature of the Hellenic Arc (e.g., Angelier et al.,

    1982; ten Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002). The effects of

    the extrusion of Anatolia are revealed by analogue

    modelling (Martinod et al., 2000), geomagnetic

    observations (e.g., Platzman et al., 1998) and geodetic

    measurements (e.g., McClusky et al., 2000).

    Deep intraplate seismicity reveals active left-lateral

    faulting along the eastern Hellenic Arc (Papazachos et

    al., 2000), indicating that the strongly oblique plate

    convergence precludes active head-on subduction

    along this part of the arc. Active subduction beneath

    the Cyprus Arc appears to have stalled with the arrival

    of Eratosthenes Seamount at this subduction zone

    (Robertson, 1998). Along the western bend of the

    Cyprus Arc (the Florence Rise), most characteristics

    of subduction zones are lacking: there is no volcanic

    arc, no trench, no accretionary prism and low and

    dispersed seismicity (Ben-Avraham and Grasso, 1991;

    Woodside et al., 2002). Based on the observed

    structural pattern alone, Woodside et al. (2002)

    suggested that the Florence Rise is a transpressive

    right-lateral fault zone. This would suggest the

    existence of two oppositely shearing arc segments

    and the existence of complex strain patterns at the

    junction between the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs,

    consistent with both arcs increasing their convexity

    towards the south. The subducting slab is believed to

    be torn near the cusp between these arcs (Wortel and

    Spakman, 1992). Despite the significant increase in

    marine geophysical research in the eastern Mediterra-

    nean from the 1970s onward (Woodside, 1977), this

    junction between the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs has

    always been considered enigmatic as far as the

    relationship between subduction zone dynamics and

    observed crustal deformation is concerned.

    This study describes new marine geophysical data

    from the Anaximander Mountains and surrounding

    areas, obtained during recent marine geophysical

    research (the TTR-1, ANAXIPROBE, TTR-6 and

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 37

    MEDINAUT/MEDINETH projects). The dataset

    comprises a grid of seismic lines, complete EM12D

    multibeam echosounder bathymetry and imagery data,

    deep-tow sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler data,

    video images, gravity and magnetic data and exten-

    sive sampling from mud volcanoes and outcrops. Our

    aim is to accurately delineate and interpret the history

    of crustal deformation at the junction of the Hellenic

    and Cyprus arcs in order to come to better understand

    the dynamics of this subduction zone.

    2. Data and methods

    Most of the data presented in this paper were

    acquired during the two-part ANAXIPROBE cruise

    (1995 and 1996) which was focused on the Anax-

    imander Mountains. The 1995 part provided multi-

    beam bathymetry and backscatter images, seismic

    reflection profiles (see Fig. 1C for localities) and

    gravity and magnetic data. The seafloor bathymetry

    and backscatter were mapped using a Simrad EM12D

    multibeam echosounder system with 162 beams,

    providing 1508 angular coverage over an ~15-kmwide swath ofseafloor centred beneath the ship. The

    seismic system comprised two GI 75 airguns (with a

    dominant frequency of 40–60 Hz), firing every 10 s,

    and a six-channel streamer, both towed at 7-m depth.

    The seismic data were collected using a Delphi

    (Ellics) system and processed using the computer

    program MSP Soft, including filtering with a band

    pass of 10/15–120/150 Hz. During the second part of

    the cruise, bottom samples were taken by dredging

    and gravity coring. High-resolution images of the

    seafloor texture were also obtained with a MAK-1

    deep-tow system comprising a 30 kHz side-scan sonar

    and a 4.9 kHz subbottom profiler.

    The 1998 PRISMED II expedition provided a

    similar dataset (i.e., Simrad EM12D multibeam

    bathymetry and backscatter images, seismic reflection

    profiles and gravity and magnetic data) which has

    already been used to study the Rhodes basin (Wood-

    side et al., 2000) and the Florence Rise (Woodside et

    al., 2002) west of Cyprus (Fig. 1C).

    In addition, we studied seismic reflection profiles

    from the 1991 TTR-1 (Training Through Research)

    cruise (Fig. 1C), which obliquely crossed the ANAX-

    IPROBE seismic lines. For this cruise, the seismo-

    acoustic source was a two-element 15 kJ sparker with

    a principal frequency band of 40–60 kHz and a 16-

    channel streamer. The grid-like arrangement of

    seismic lines obtained by combining the TTR-1 and

    ANAXIPROBE datasets enables us to trace structural

    features three-dimensionally.

    3. Geological framework

    The Anaximander Mountains (Fig. 1) are located at

    the junction of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs and form

    an area of pronounced seafloor relief. They are

    bordered to the west by the deep Rhodes Basin (with

    depths up to 4485 m) and by the shallower (~2600 m)

    Antalya Basin to the east. This mountainous sub-

    merged region constitutes three distinctive mountains,

    Anaximander (sensu stricto-s.s.), Anaximenes and

    Anaxagoras (Fig. 2), next to several smaller culmina-

    tions. The Anaximander Mountains sensu lato (s.l.)

    can be seen as the southernmost extent of the

    structurally complex Isparta Angle region (e.g.,

    Blumenthal, 1963; Brunn et al., 1971) and are part

    of a broad zone of deformation defining the plate


    Initially, the Anaximander Mountains were seen

    as upthrusted blocks of the Neotethyan seafloor that

    had been caught up in the collisional process (Ryan

    et al., 1973; Woodside, 1977). As an alternative,

    Nesteroff et al. (1977) interpreted these mountains as

    crustal blocks that had been separated from south-

    west Turkey during a post-Miocene collapse phase.

    Yet another view, by Rotstein and Ben-Avraham

    (1985), proposed that they were northward-colliding

    fragments of the African lithosphere which were

    caught up in the subduction process. More recently,

    the Anaximander Mountains have been shown to

    represent the offshore continuation of structural units

    exposed onshore in southwest Turkey (Woodside and

    Dumont, 1997). For instance, hydrocarbon seeps

    exist in both the eastern part of the Anaximander

    Mountains (Anaxagoras Mountain) and in the Ant-

    alya Nappe Complex (the eternal flames of Chi-

    maera), suggesting a correlation between these

    terrains. This view is supported by extensive

    sampling of mud volcanoes and outcrops (Woodside

    et al., 1997) and by submersible observations

    (MEDINAUTH/MEDINETH Shipboard Scientific

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6538

  • Fig. 1. (A) Geodynamic framework of the eastern Mediterranean.The motion vector of Africa is from DeMets et al. (1994) andthe

    southwestward motion of the Hellenic Arc relative to Eurasia isfrom McClusky et al. (2000). The Hellenic forearc from Crete toRhodes shows

    a strain pattern with N708E-striking strike-slip faults andN208E-striking normal faults, resulting from transtensionaldeformation since thePliocene (ten Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002). Thedextral shearing shown along the Florence Rise was inferred byWoodside et al. (2002). Our

    own results require the sense of shear in this locality to besinistral instead. Abbreviations: ESCT=East South Cretan Trough;ST=Strabo Trench;

    PT=Pliny Trench; RB=Rhodes Basin; AM=Anaximander Mountains;FR=Florence Rise; ESM=Erastothenes Seamount; FBFZ=thehypothetical

    Fethiye–Burdur Fault Zone; SWT=Southwest Turkey; NAT=NorthAegean Trough. Stars indicate subduction-related Quaternaryvolcanism. (B)

    Detail of the Anaximander Mountains study area with bathymetryfrom etopo5, made available through the National Geophysical DataCenter

    (NGDC), with 200-m contour interval. Labels refer to structuraldomains that are discussed in text. (C) Seismic track lines ofthe

    ANAXIPROBE, TTR and PRISMED II cruises (after Woodside et al.,2000). Heavy line segments represent line segments illustratedin

    designated figure. Encircled numbers indicate parts of seismiclines shown in Fig. 3. MAK-45 indicates the deep-tow side-scan andsubbottom

    profiler track shown in Fig. 10.

    J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 39

    Parties, 2000). Dredge sampling has shown that the

    Turkish continental slope comprises neritic limestones

    similar to the Mesozoic Bey Dağlari Unit of SW

    Turkey. Flysch deposits are the most commonly

    observed rocks dredged from the Anaximander and

    Anaximenes mountains and from the SW part of the

    Anaxagoras Mountain. This offshore flysch unit most

    probably overlies the Bey Dağlari unit as it does

    onshore in SW Turkey, where it is derived from the

    leading edge of the Early–Middle Miocene advance of

    the Lycian nappes from the northwest (Hayward,

    1984; Poisson et al., 1984). The NW–SE elongated

    Antalya orogen displays a wide variety of rock units

    including oceanic units (ophiolitic nappes), carbonate

    platform units and transitional (continental margin)

    units. The presence of ophiolitic rocks in the NE part

    of the Anaxagoras Mountain and in the continental

    slope southeast of Finike suggests a southward

    continuation of the Antalya Nappe Complex (Wood-

    side and Dumont, 1997; Woodside et al., 1998). We

    are thus tempted to infer that the lithological contrast

    in the Anaxagoras Mountain is related to the mid-

    Tortonian Aksu thrust phase (Glover and Robertson,

    1998) which emplaced the Antalya Nappe Complex

    westward onto the Bey Dağlari platform carbonates in

    SW Turkey (Poisson, 1977). This contrast is also

    shown by gravimetry, which reveals a major disconti-

    nuity in Bouguer gravity anomalies of 150 mGal

    between the Anaximenes and Anaximander moun-

    tains, with a maximum of 190 mGal, and eastern

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6540

  • Fig. 3. Examples of seismic units. (a) Onlap of sedimentary unitMF onto acoustic basem*nt. The younger unit PQ is separated fromunit MF by

    an angular unconformity. (b) Detail of seismic line ANA9 showinginfill of unit MF in a graben structure cut into a folded acousticbasem*nt.

    This structure is covered by a thick (~400 m) sequence of tilteddeposits of unit PQ. (c) Disturbance of seismic signal due to thepresence of

    gassy sediments and possible gas vents. Low reflectivity unitrepresents slope deposits (unit S1) overlain by unit PQ.

    J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 41

    Anaxagoras with a maximum of 40 mGal, which

    implies that the western mountains are undercompen-

    stated crustal blocks (Woodside, 1977; Ivanov et al.,

    1992; Zitter et al., 2003). However, the question

    remains whether the Aksu thrusting phase alone was

    responsible for these gravity anomalies or whether

    younger structures also contributed and will be the

    focus of this paper.

    Fig. 2. (A) ANAXIPROBE multibeam bathymetry shown ascolour-scal

    m). (B) Interpretation of the Anaximander Mountains and theadjacent

    colours the recognized structural domains. Heavy black linesindicate s

    reliability structures that are recognized in both bathymetryand seismic

    those (linear) features recognized in multibeam bathymetryalone. Gen

    (1979) and the Fethiye and Isparta sheets of the 1:250.000Turkish

    KG=KaYaba Graben. Mud volcanoes indicated by whitecircles:5=Amsterdam.

    3.1. Basin fill and stratigraphy

    The unconsolidated cover of the Anaximander

    Mountains and to a lesser extent the sedimentary fill

    of the adjacent basins have been studied with gravity

    coring (Woodside et al., 1997). With penetration

    depths up to ~5 m, it was demonstrated that the

    Upper Pleistocene–Holocene cover exists throughout

    ed shaded relief with illumination from the east (resolution is10

    Rhodes Basin (from Woodside et al., 2000), showing indifferent

    eismic lines shown in other figures. Faults (in red) signifyhigh

    lines (not all are shown). Lineaments (thin black lines)represent

    eralized geology of southwestern Turkey is from Gutniç etal.

    Geological Map. See text for further explanation.AH=Anthill;

    1=Kula, 2=Saint Ouen l’Aumone, 3=Tuzlukush, 4=Kazan,

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6542

  • Fig. 4. Seismic line ANA17. Faults are labelled with theirstrike azimuths. (a) Section across the Turkish continental margin.(b) Section across the Finike Basin. See Fig. 1C or Fig.

    2B for locations. Note 10 times vertical exaggeration.







  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6544

    the Anaximander Mountains. Many types of sedi-

    ment, of different origins and depositional environ-

    ments, were observed, reflecting the complex

    morphology, active crustal deformation and wide-

    spread fluid escape (Woodside et al., 1997). Several

    mud volcanoes were identified, with characteristic

    sedimentary features and associated mud breccias

    (Zitter et al., 2003). However, we will not focus on

    these surface deposits and will instead describe only

    those sediment types that are observable on the scale

    of seismic reflection profiles (i.e., representing seis-

    mic units):

    (1) Deep marine unit PQ: this unit is present in the

    entire study area but dominates in its western

    part where it reaches a thickness of up to 1200

    m. An angular unconformity exists between this

    unit PQ and the underlying unit (Fig. 3a and b).

    Unit PQ is further distinguishable by its

    draping appearance on the mountainous areas,

    whereas in some basins it shows reflectors

    dipping toward active faults (Fig. 4a). Next to

    Lower–Middle Miocene flysch, dredge samples

    from the Anaximenes Mountain reveal Lower

    Pliocene siltstones, indicating that unit PQ must

    represent a large part of the Pliocene–Recent

    period. Paleontological evidence from gravity

    cores suggests that unit PQ was deposited in a

    deep marine environment (Woodside et al.,

    1997), although no precise depth information

    exists for the parts that were not examined by

    gravity coring. Given that this unit was

    deposited after the mid-Tortonian Aksu phase

    and that no Messinian evaporites are encoun-

    tered, its base may extend back into the

    Messinian as well.

    (2) Flysch unit MF: this unit is only present west of

    the Anaximenes Mountain, is characterized by

    onlapping relationships with the acoustic base-

    ment and generally shows parallel internal

    reflectors that are sometimes wavy (Fig. 3a).

    Based on its stratigraphic position between the

    acoustic basem*nt and the PQ unit, we assume

    that this unit MF corresponds to the Lower–

    Middle Miocene flysch deposits known from the

    Bey Dağlari in SW Turkey. In contrast with most

    other domains of the Mediterranean Sea, the bMQreflector that isrelated to the desiccation of the

    Mediterranean basin and the formation of

    evaporites during the Messinian (e.g., Ryan et

    al., 1973) is absent. This indicates that no deep

    marine basin existed in this area just prior to

    deposition of the Early Pliocene (PQ unit),

    similar to the situation in the presently deep

    marine Rhodes Basin (Woodside et al., 2000).

    We thus infer that the unconformity between the

    MF and PQ units formed sometime during the

    Late Miocene (Messinian) and signifies a period

    of vertical crustal motion and erosion controlled

    by the mid-Tortonian Aksu thrusting and the

    Messinian sea-level fall.

    (3) Mass flow, rockfall and slope deposits (unit S):

    all deposits related to gravitational transport are

    assigned to this seismic unit, which appears as

    internally chaotic packages overlying the acous-

    tic basem*nt or the PQ unit (Figs. 3c and 4a,

    respectively). Slump and slide deposits in the

    Great Slide (Fig. 1B) are in turn overlain by

    younger hemipelagic sediments of unit PQ.

    Also, the chaotic rock fall deposits on the

    continental slope (Fig. 4a) are partly overlain

    by PQ deposits (Fig. 4).

    4. Structure and morphology

    4.1. The Turkish continental slope

    The continental slope off SW Turkey has a steep

    gradient of 6–88 and is transected by numerous faultsand scarps.Multibeam imagery (II-8 in Fig. 2) shows

    several N708E-trending lineaments, the most impor-tant of whichis located at the slope break. The N208E-striking graben (valley)south of KasS, hereafterdesignated as the bKasS GrabenQ, forms animportantdiscontinuity in this continental slope. To the north,

    this graben is continuous with the onshore KasSabaGraben in theSusuz Dağ, which postdates the Middle

    Miocene as it preserves the originally widespread

    Miocene flysch deposits (see Hayward, 1984). Our

    preliminary fieldwork shows that the KasSaba Graben iscut by aseries of N708E-striking oblique normal faultswhich have displacedthe boundary faults of this

    graben left-laterally by up to several tens of metres.

    The high-resolution bathymetry in combination

    with crossing seismic lines ANA-17 and ANA20-21

  • Fig. 5. Seismic line ANA20-21 in an N–S transect from theTurkish continental margin to the Anaximander Mountain s.s. Faultsare labelled with their strike azimuths. See Fig. 1C or

    Fig. 2B for location and Fig. 4a for key.







  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6546

    (Figs. 4 and 5) enables recognition of the orientation

    of many morphology-related faults. ANA-17 reveals

    how, east of the KasS Graben, the continental slope iscut by aseries of N508E- and N708E-striking faults(II-5–II-8 in Fig. 4a).The lineament patterns observed

    in the multibeam bathymetry (Fig. 2B) suggest that

    the N508E-striking linear features are delimited bytheN708E-striking ones. Because the N508E-strikingfaults arerelatively small and are not observed

    elsewhere in the Anaximander Mountains, we spec-

    ulate that they are not only confined by but also

    associated with the N708E-striking faults. If theN708E-strikingfaults represent principal sinistralstrike-slip faults, theN508E-striking faults mayrepresent synthetic (Riedel shear) faults.However,

    the tectonic disturbance and displacement of unit PQ

    only indicate a strong dip-slip component for the

    N508E-striking faults (Fig. 4a). The lower continentalslope iscovered by an acoustically chaotic unit, which

    corresponds to an area with strong contrasting

    (patchy) backscatter, which we interpret as a rockslide

    (see Fig. 2 for location). Southeast of the continental

    slope (i.e., in the Finike Basin), only minor faults

    exist. The fill of this basin appears to be progressively

    tilted, with older strata dipping more steeply than

    younger strata. This may indicate syn-depositional

    tilting in response to slip on the N708E-striking basin-boundingfaults (Fig. 4a).

    Farther east, the thick basin fill of the Finike Basin

    comprises folds with wavelengths of several kilo-

    metres (Fig. 4b). These folds occur west of a major

    thrust fault beneath the chaotically deformed acoustic

    basem*nt that we relate to the Aksu thrusting phase.

    Similar to the distribution of basem*nt units onshore

    and based on observations from the Anaxagoras

    Mountain, we infer that this acoustic basem*nt

    represents the thrust front of the Antalya Nappe

    Complex (see also Fig. 2). In the Anaxagoras

    Mountain, this thrust front is obscured by a

    N1508E-striking (i.e., S0308E-striking) fault zone thatforms thepresent-day contact between the Antalya

    Nappe Complex and the acoustic basem*nt exposed

    to the west (Fig. 2). Because no folds occur just in

    front of or above the Antalya nappe front, we suggest

    that the folds observed in the Finike Basin are not

    directly related to thrusting but represent drag or

    drape folds above faulted or collapsed acoustic


    In a transect perpendicular to the continental

    slope (Fig. 5), it becomes further clear how faults

    of different orientations are responsible for the

    morphology of this slope. An N1208E-striking fault(IV-0) formsthe main step in this slope but abuts

    eastward against the N208E-striking KasS Graben(Fig. 2). To thesouth, this N1208E-striking fault isdelimited by a series ofN708E-striking faults thatconstitute a graben-like depression. Theacoustic

    basem*nt high south of this depression, the Finike

    Ridge, is transected by N1308E-striking faults butis bounded byN708E-striking faults. This, togetherwith uplifted PQ unit,suggests an inversion of an

    older N1208E-trending basin by slip on N708E-striking faults. Onthe uplifted block, the older MF

    unit is unconformably overlain by the PQ deposits.

    We thus speculate that this basem*nt high forms

    the uplifted crest of a tilted footwall block of a

    N1208E-trending graben which preserves theseolder deposits. Thisgraben was then later cut by

    N708E-striking faults, causing differential upliftanddeformation of both the MF and PQ deposits,

    confining the age of the N708E-striking faulting tothe PQ andyounger period. To the west of this

    zone of uplift, N1208E-trending ridges appear to besinistrallydisplaced by N708E-striking faults withhorizontal components ofslip of up to 2 km (Fig.

    2), confirming both the sinistral slip sense of the

    N708E-striking faults and the proposed sequence offaulting.

    4.2. Anaximander Mountain s.s.

    The Anaximander Mountain s.s. is the western-

    most submarine mountain of the studied area; it has

    a gently sloping (28) northward facing leeside and asteeplydipping (138) south-facing slope. This lee-side is marked byclosely spaced channels that are

    oriented downhill (i.e., to the north; Fig. 2A).

    Upslope (i.e., southward), these channels bend to

    a more E–W orientation, suggesting that downhill

    transport towards the Finike basin has been gov-

    erned by recent differential vertical movements that

    have changed the leeside slope direction.

    Line ANA20-21 (Fig. 5) covers the entire north-

    ern slope of the Anaximander Mountain s.s., which

    marks the transition to a narrow basin that defines

    the connection between the Rhodes Basin and the

  • Fig. 6. Section of seismic line ANA13 showing an approximatelyE–W transect across the Anaximander Mountain s.s. and the GreatSlide. Faults are labelled with their strike

    azimuths. See Fig. 1C or Fig. 2B for location and Fig. 4a forkey.







  • Fig. 7. Section of seismic line ANA9 in an approximately E–Wtransect across the West Anaximander Ridge and Anaximander Mountains.s. Faults are labelled with their strike

    azimuths. See Fig. 1C or Fig. 2B for location and Fig. 4a forkey.







  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 49

    Finike Basin. This Rhodes–Finike passage is con-

    trolled and bounded by N708E-striking faults (Figs.2 and 5) thatclearly affected the seafloor relief,

    suggesting a relatively young age for this passage.

    The sedimentary sequence in this Rhodes–Finike

    passage began with seismic unit MF, which laps onto

    the Anaximander Mountain s.s. to the south and is

    unconformably overlain by the draping unit PQ. Line

    ANA13 (Fig. 6) crosses the Anaximander Mountain

    s.s. from east to west and shows that this mountain

    is delineated to the west by a major N208E-strikingnormal fault(I-15) that vertically displaced both

    units MF and PQ by up to ~600 m. On both lines,

    ANA20-21 and ANA13 (Figs. 5 and 6), a bulge-like

    structure is visible, which is onlapped by unit MF

    from the east, north and west. Here, unit MF is

    erosionally truncated beneath the angular uncon-

    formity with the overlying draped PQ unit. This

    relationship indicates that this bulge must have been

    present during the Early–Middle Miocene deposition

    of unit MF but was elevated further and eroded prior

    to deposition of unit PQ, possibly through a

    combination of the mid-Tortonian Aksu phase and

    the Messinian sea-level fall. This suggested timing of

    formation of this bulge corresponds with that of the

    onshore Susuz Dağ anticline in SW Turkey (Fig.

    2B). Farther south, the seafloor rises steeply and the

    bulge-like geometry is strongly affected by several

    N208E-striking step faults (notably, I-17 and I-18 inFig. 5)which form horst and graben structures.

    South and east of this horst, the acoustic basem*nt

    deepens and the PQ unit thickens rapidly (Figs. 6

    and 7). The summit of the Anaximander Mountain is

    formed by the thickest sequence of PQ deposits,

    which are uplifted and folded along the N708E-trending faultzone (II-12; right hand end of Fig. 5),

    suggesting that this is a relatively young structure (in

    relatively unstable unlithified sediment) that has not

    yet been eroded.

    The Anaximander Mountain s.s. thus developed

    as a result of the interaction of N208E- and N708E-strikingfaults bounding an existent anticlinal bulge,

    with the most important bathymetric offset at its

    southern edge, determined by fault II-12 (Figs. 5

    and 7). Some N1308E-trending lineaments in thebathymetric imagein Fig. 2 can be associated with

    faults, but judging by their displacements, they are

    of minor recent importance.

    4.3. Anaximenes Mountain

    The Anaximenes Mountain is an elongated, curved

    mountain range bounding the Great Slide to the south

    and east. Its steep northern slope (sloping at 188 in thesouth,increasing to 248 in the north) appears smoothon the multibeamimagery (Fig. 2A). However, closer

    examination of both seismics and lineament patterns

    reveals that this slope is controlled by faults of

    different orientations. Its southern NE–SW trending

    part is bounded and transected by N708E-strikingfaults, whereasits northern part is delineated by

    N208E-striking faults. The gently sloping (78) south-easternslope of the Anaximenes Mountain (Figs. 8

    and 9) is made up of a series of N208E-striking stepfaults withassociated down-faulted blocks. Two broad

    (up to 3-km wide) N508E–N608E-trending shearzones (II-18 andII-19) cross this side of the

    Anaximenes Mountain and also cross cut the

    N208E-striking fault zones (Fig. 2). Locally, the PQsedimentoccurs in patches, which seem to be

    confined to fault-controlled depressions. Some of the

    larger N708E-striking fault zones can be traced as faras theAnaxagoras Mountain, but the N208E-strikingfault zones abut againstthe N1508E-trending westernboundary faults of this mountain (Fig.2B). This

    arrangement suggests that the N208E-striking faultsare olderthan the N1508E-striking faults that crossand delineate theAnaxagoras Mountain and that the

    N708E-striking faults are thus the youngest structuralfeatures.The southern boundary of the Anaximenes

    Mountain is formed by a N708E-striking fault zone(II-19) whichconnects westward to a deep trough

    separating this mountain from the relatively flat

    Mediterranean Ridge region (MR in Fig. 2). The

    Amsterdam mud volcano at the SE edge of the

    Anaximenes Mountain is situated in this N708E-striking faultzone, which includes many associated

    smaller-scale faults that belong to the N708E-, N208E-andS608E-striking fault groups.

    4.4. Anaxagoras Mountain

    Seismic lines across the Anaxagoras Mountain

    support the assumption that this mountain is an

    elevated part of the Florence Rise, defined by NW–

    SE-striking faults and cut by several NE–SW-striking

    faults (Woodside et al., 2002; Zitter et al., 2003).

  • Fig. 8. Section of seismic line ANA5 in an approximately E–Wtransect from the Anaximenes Mountain towards the AnaxagorasMountain s.s. Faults are labelled with their strike

    azimuths. See Fig. 1C or Fig. 2B for location and Fig. 4a forkey.







  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 51

    Whereas the western mountains are dominated by

    N708E- and N208E-striking faults, the AnaxagorasMountain isdominated (bounded and transected) by

    N1508E-striking faults, although some of thelargerN708E-striking faults zones also cross it (Fig. 2).Oneimportant N708E-trending lineament follows a NE–SW-orientedridge, the bFaulted RidgeQ, along whichthe bathymetry is displacedin a sinistral sense

    (Woodside et al., 1997). Although a few N208Ebathymetric trendscan be recognized in the Anax-

    agoras Mountain, no faults related to these appear in

    the seismic lines. These N1508E-striking faults do notoccur inthe Anaximander s.s. and Anaximenes


    Several N–S lineaments in the bathymetry of the

    Anaxagoras Mountain can be interpreted as normal

    faults from their dominant components of dip-slip and

    relatively simple fault geometries. These faults are

    short (b10 km), their length being limited by more

    complex N1208E-striking fault zones, as is demon-strated byfaults V-7 and V-8 in Fig. 8. This arrange-

    ment suggests that the N–S faults are either recently

    reactivated older faults or young extensional faults that

    have an unknown association with the N1208E-strikingfaults. Incross-section (Fig. 8), these N1208E-strikingfaults appear to berelatively young, as they cut through

    the Pliocene–Quaternary cover and exhibit negative

    flower structures that create minor bathymetric steps.

    However, a strike-slip origin for them is hard to

    establish as there are no signs of horizontal displace-

    ment. This led us to conclude that these N1208E-striking faultsaccommodate oblique slip, with com-

    plex geometries that may indicate some strike-slip, but

    with an unknown sense of lateral slip.

    The Kula mud volcano (Fig. 2B) is also marked by

    relatively short N–S- to N108E-striking faults that actasconduits for the mud ejection. However, not all mud

    volcanoes are associated with the same orientation of

    faults and fissures. For example, the Kazan mud

    volcano (Fig. 2B) is transected by at least six fault

    orientations, suggesting complex deformation at the

    junction of major N708E- and N1208E-striking faultzones (due toits location at the contact between the

    Anaximenes and Anaxagoras mountains). The Tuzlu-

    kush and Saint Ouen lTAumône mud volcanoes, on thesouthern edgeof the Anaxagoras Mountain (Fig. 2B),

    are also associated with N708E- and N1208E-strikingfaults. Allthese mud volcanoes have N1208E-trending

    fissures that are of minor importance relative to other


    The Antalya Basin, east of the Anaxagoras

    Mountain, is characterized by subparallel, anastomis-

    ing ridges that curve from an N1208E strike in thenorth toN1608E in the south (Fig. 2) and have theappearance of a fold belt.To the northeast, this fold

    belt is delimited by an ~N1208E-striking fault with averticaloffset of ~1250 m down to the northeast as

    concluded from the easternmost part of ANAXIP-

    ROBE seismic line 15 (Zitter et al., 2003; not shown

    in figure) This fault separates the fold belt, which has

    up to 800 m of Plio–Quaternary sediment, and the

    deep Antalya Basin with a thickness of more than

    1700 m. The anastomising ridges rise up to ~100 m

    above the surrounding seafloor and appear related to

    folds in the subrecent sediment (unit PQ). This

    morphological pattern seems to argue against faulting

    as the main cause for the development of this

    structural domain, although a series of (presumably

    subparallel-trending) west-dipping step faults occurs

    in the subsurface (Fig. 4b) This combination of

    folding above a strongly folded and possibly faulted

    substratum may indicate halokinesis of Messinian

    evaporates, which are widely present in the Antalya

    Basin (Biju-Duval et al., 1974; Woodside, 1977; Sage

    and Letouzey, 1990).

    4.5. Southeastern Rhodes Basin

    The Rhodes Basin, one of the deepest Mediterra-

    nean basins (up to 4485 m), has probably formed as a

    result of the progressive development of transform

    motions along the eastern branch of the Hellenic Arc

    during the Pliocene and Quaternary periods (Wood-

    side et al., 2000). The Rhodes Basin consists of two

    subbasins, a northern deeper one and a shallower

    southern one, separated by a broad asymmetrical swell

    oriented roughly east–west. The southern Rhodes

    Basin is confined by the West Anaximander Ridge

    to the north, the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary

    prism to the south and the Anaximander Mountains

    to the east (Fig. 1). The intense deformation in this

    domain is reflected by the undulating seafloor

    topography (Fig. 2A). Whereas the Anaximander

    Mountain s.s. is dominated by N208E-strikingnormal faults andN708E-striking sinistral strike-slipfaults, the SE Rhodes Basindominantly comprises

  • Fig. 9. Section of seismic line ANA7 in a approximately E–Wtransect from the southeastern Rhodes basin across the Great Slideand Anaximenes Mountain. Faults are labelled with

    their strike azimuths. See Fig. 1C or Fig. 2B for location andFig. 4a for key.







  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 53

    N1208E-trending fault zones. This transition, at thewestern sideof the Anaximander Mountain s.s, is

    marked by the West Anaximander Ridge, a pro-

    nounced but narrow N1208E-trending ridge that diesout westwardin the deepest, central part of the

    Rhodes Basin (Fig. 1). This ridge is bounded to the

    north by N1208E-striking fault zone IV-2 and to thesouth byfault zone IV-3 that is ~3- to 4-km wide,

    has a clear negative flower structure (Fig. 7) and

    includes many individual smaller faults. Fault zone

    IV-3 can be traced southeastward for more than 100

    km and constitutes the SW limit of the Anaximenes

    Mountain (Fig. 2). The appearance of this fault zone

    varies along strike and includes segments with either

    negative or positive flower structures, although the

    degree of deformation typically decreases southward.

    South of this fault zone, several other less important

    N1208E-striking faults zones exist, which also haveflower-likestructures (e.g., IV-4, IV-6 and IV-7 in

    Fig. 9). The observed along-strike variations in

    deformation styles and the presence of flower

    structures and anastamosing fault traces suggest that

    these N1208E-striking faults take up strike slip.Multibeamimagery suggests that the areas between

    these pronounced N1208E-striking fault zones com-prise NNW–SSEtrending depressions, which we

    interpret as small pull-apart basins. This association

    of structures implies that these N1208E-strikingfaults have adextral slip component. Although

    N1208E-striking faults dominate just south of theWestAnaximander Ridge, farther south N708E-trending lineaments caninstead be seen in the

    multibeam imagery. These bound zones with

    NNW–SSE trending depressions, which may also

    represent pull-apart structures and which strengthen

    the interpretation of sinistral strike-slip character of

    the N708E-striking faults. However, side-scan sonarimages ofthis region indicate that many of these

    linear features are caused by superficial deformation

    related to sediment movement. This seemingly

    organized structural pattern may indicate that this

    superficial sediment deformation reflects regional-

    scale deeper-seated crustal deformation.

    Some N208E-striking normal faults in the southernRhodes Basindelineate horst structures that are partly

    buried by the PQ unit (Fig. 6). The fact that the

    N1208E-striking faults in this locality are more clearlyrelatedto seafloor morphology suggests that they are

    younger than the N208E-striking faults. The presenceof someN1208E-striking faults in the AnaximanderMountain s.s. and in theTurkish continental slope

    (Fig. 5), which are older than the N208E- and N708E-strikingfaults, may indicate that this fault set in the

    southern Rhodes Basin represents reactivated older

    structures. Although correlation across such a great

    distance may seem optimistic, the West Anaximander

    Ridge does correlate across the Rhodes Basin with

    subparallel fault zones on Rhodes island (see Fig. 15

    of ten Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002), suggesting

    genetically related deformation. These N1208E–N1308E-strikingnormal faults originated in theMiddle–Late Miocene(Serravallian–Tortonian) in

    response to NE–SW extension and in several cases

    were reactivated during younger deformation phases

    (ten Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002).

    The southern edge of the Rhodes Basin is formed by

    the contact with northward-directed (sediment) nappes

    of the Mediterranean Ridge and lies in continuity with

    the Strabo Trench as was first noted by Mascle et al.

    (1986). This irregular thrust front can be traced

    eastward where it merges with N708E-striking strike-slip faultssouth of the Anaximenes Mountain.

    4.6. Northern Rhodes Basin

    The asymmetric swell that separates the northern

    and southern parts of the Rhodes Basin marks an

    important change in the degree of deformation, with

    more strongly deformed acoustic basem*nt to the

    north (Woodside et al., 2000). Closer examination of

    the data presented by Woodside et al. (2000) reveals

    that this E–W swell connects the N1208E-trendingWest AnaximanderRidge and a N708E-trendingtranspression-related bathymetric swellnorth of the

    Strabo Trench. In the central Rhodes Basin, a positive

    flower structure has been identified (PFS in Fig. 2B;

    Woodside et al., 2000), which coincides with the

    broad and complex Pliny btrenchQ. Together withitsN708E-trending linear morphology and en échelonsubbasins, thissuggests that the Pliny btrenchQ hasaccommodated post-Miocenesinistral slip (Huchon et

    al., 1982; Le Pichon et al., 1995). Both faults and

    bathymetric trends associated with the Pliny btrenchQin theRhodes basin link with N708E-striking faults inthe Turkishcontinental slope, which delineate the

    Finike Basin (Fig. 2), suggesting that this Plio–

  • Fig. 10. MAK-45 deep-tow side scan sonar image (top) andsubbottom profiler image (bottom) of some features associated withthe Great Slide. For locality see Fig. 1C. (A) Circular

    pock marks above seismic voids that are possibly related to thepresence of gassy sediments and/or gas vents. (B) Southwestwardflowing slump body with slump scar.







  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 55

    Quaternary basin is the continuation of the Pliny

    btrenchQ. This interpretation, strongly supported bythe marinegeophysical data presented here, precludes

    an alternative interpretation in which the Pliny

    "trench" is related to the hypothetical Fethiye–Burdur

    fault zone, a correlation previously suggested by

    several authors (e.g., Taymaz and Price, 1992; Barka

    et al., 1997; Temiz et al., 1997).

    Numerous N208E bathymetric trends are evident inthe continentalslope south and east of Rhodes and

    between Rhodes and Turkey. The absence of these

    structures in the Quaternary Rhodes Basin corrobo-

    rates observations from mainland Rhodes that the

    N208E-striking faults are older than the N708E-striking ones,which mark the onset of a new

    deformation phase during which the forearc under-

    went significant morphological and kinematic reor-

    ganization (ten Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002).

    4.7. The Great Slide

    Woodside et al. (1998) recognized the Great Slide

    as an extensive (~2200 km2) and voluminous (~550

    km3) multilobe, north- and southwestward-flowing

    debris-flow unit. It originated between the Anax-

    imander and Anaximenes mountains, leaving a huge

    depression where the Plio–Quaternary sediment is

    missing (Fig. 2A). Along its northern rim, at least

    three lobes are distinguishable. Its big western lobe

    appears detached from its main body along a NNE–

    SSW-trending scarp. This may well represent a

    secondary escarpment within the body of this debris

    flow, thus indicating continuous instability, possibly

    induced by a buried N208E-striking fault. Diapiriczones ofseismic wipe-out may indicate the occur-

    rence of gas venting and/or upward fluid release (Fig.

    6). These processes may have caused surface sediment

    instability, leading to the creation of the small lobe

    deposited in the central front of the Great Slide

    between its huge western and eastern lobes. Slopes at

    the toe of this slide (Fig. 2A) are steep, reaching up to

    108, indicating that this slide is still active orbecameinactive only recently.

    Internally, the Great Slide has a chaotic structure,

    with severely folded and/or faulted strata. Fig. 9 shows

    that sections with strong sub-seafloor reflectors have

    seismic wipe-outs beneath them and are often asso-

    ciated with bathymetric depressions. Deep-tow side-

    scan sonar (Fig. 10) shows that these depressions

    either represent circular pockmarks or linear gullies.

    The observed strong difference in seismic velocity

    suggests the presence of gas in these sediments, and

    the seismic voids reaching the seafloor further suggest

    the presence of seafloor vents (Woodside et al., 1998).

    Although it is plausible that faulting underneath the

    Great Slide facilitated gas release, its disorganized

    structural patterns are not indicative of regional crustal

    deformation but instead by dewatering and degassing

    of this unstable slide mass. Another example of

    degassing and dewatering through the Great Slide is

    provided by the Anthill (Fig. 2) along the eastern limit

    of its western lobe. This hill rises 800 m above the

    surrounding seafloor and is characterized by excep-

    tionally high sediment thickness and accumulation

    rates (0.12 m/kyr), suggesting extra sediment supply

    by ejection of sediment from within the core of the hill

    (Woodside et al., 1997).

    We speculate that this western mountainous area as

    a whole has been uplifted due to the interaction of the

    N208E- and N708E-trending faults (see above), and inthe recentpast, a fault-controlled area collapsed

    between what are nowadays the Anaximander s.s.

    and Anaximenes mountains. Both these mountains

    have a considerable thickness of Plio–Quaternary

    (PQ) sediment (Anaximander as a whole and Anax-

    imenes only in its western part). Such elevated

    sediment packages are expected to have the tendency

    to be unstable, especially with high gas content as

    may be the case here (Woodside et al., 1998). The

    Great Slide can thus be regarded as the expression of

    such instability and the mountains are the remnants.

    The curved northern slope of the Anaximenes

    Mountain is such a remnant, which is not related to

    one fault but rather to a combination of N208E-andN708E-striking faults. Note also that these faults(especiallythe N208E-striking set) have considerablevertical displacements,juxtaposing unit PQ and

    acoustic basem*nt (see Fig. 9). We suggest that this

    fault-controlled lithological contrast is employed as a

    detachment level for the Great Slide. The slope

    steepening necessary for the initiation of the Great

    Slide may have been induced by the (re-)activation of

    the N1208E-striking strike-slip faults SW of theAnaximanderMountain s.s. and/or by the progressive

    deepening of the Finike Basin to the north, which is

    controlled by N708E-striking strike-slip faults.

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6556

    5. Neotectonic development

    Based on the presented results of surface mapping

    and vertical seismic reflection data, we can establish

    the sequence of tectonic events that led to the

    development of the Anaximander Mountains in

    relation to plate-boundary processes at the junction

    of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs. As syn-depositional

    deformation of basin fill has been often used to assign

    activity to faults and fault zones, it should be noted

    that the precision of the presented tectonostratigraphy

    would be improved by better dating of the deep

    marine basin fill on and around the Anaximander

    Mountains. In spite of these limitations, we present a

    relative tectonostratigraphy which describes the multi-

    phase development of the western and eastern

    mountains (Fig. 11).

    5.1. Phase 1

    During progressive folding related to the advance

    of the Lycian Nappes, the protruding flysch deposits of

    the Lower–Middle Miocene MF unit lapped onto the

    evolving anticlinal structures and are mainly preserved

    in the synclines. At some time around the Serraval-

    lian–Tortonian transition, the Bey DağlarV anticline

    must have become affected by extension on N1208E-striking normalfaults, oriented perpendicular to the

    fold trend. Differential vertical motions generated

    graben structures, which preserved the Early–Middle

    Miocene flysch deposits (the MF unit). Kissel and

    Fig. 11. Tectonostratigraphy of the Anaximander Mountainscomparing

    Poison (1987) measured a Middle Miocene 308anticlockwiserotation of the Bey DağlarV, related to

    the emplacement of the Lycian Nappes. As no younger

    palaeomagnetic rotations occurred, we can assume that

    the Late Miocene N1208E-striking faults retain theiroriginalorientation. This initial neotectonic period of

    extensional faulting will be designated as phase 1.

    Like in the onshore KasSaba Graben, Serravallian–Tortoniandeposits are absent in the Anaximander

    Mountains, suggesting that the N1208E-striking gra-bens weresubaerial basins without major drainage.

    However, in the Isparta Angle to the east, Tortonian

    deltaic and reefal deposits are unconformably overlain

    by Pliocene marine deposits (Glover and Robertson,

    1998), testifying to the occurrence of a regional latest

    Miocene unconformity. As previously discussed, the

    absence of Messinian deposits in the Rhodes Basin

    (Woodside et al., 2000) indicates that this area was

    also continental or shallow marine until this time. We

    thus infer that in the late Middle Miocene and early

    Late Miocene (Serravallian–Tortonian), a vast area of

    subaerial to shallow marine grabens existed across the

    southern Aegean (e.g., Crete; ten Veen and Postma,

    1999), through Rhodes (ten Veen and Kleinspehn,

    2002), to SW Turkey and the present-day Anax-

    imander Mountains.

    Although no MF unit could be recognized on the

    Anaxagoras Mountain, the presence of N1208E-trending faults,fissures and lineaments suggests that

    these Serravallian–Tortonian basins even reached this

    area. A major N1208E-trending lineament, which

    the multiphase development of the western and easternmountains.

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 57

    could not be recognized as a fault in the seismic lines

    but which correlates with the N1208E-trending base-ment ridgesouth of the KasS graben, supports the ideaof long elongatedbasins. No reactivation of this

    N1208E-striking fault zone is evident in later periods.Thedevelopment of these N1208E-trending gra-

    bens is analogous to the Late Miocene (pre-Messi-

    nian) development of Rhodes, which was dominated

    by N1208E–N1308E-trending subaerial grabens thatformed underNE–SW extension (ten Veen and

    Kleinspehn, 2002). This NE–SW extension was

    interpreted as a response to Late Miocene southward

    migration of the Hellenic forearc and lengthening of

    the plate boundary as its curvature increased from a

    nearly east–west Middle Miocene plate margin.

    5.2. Phase 2 west

    After the brief mid-Tortonian Aksu thrust phase, a

    second phase of extension is marked by the onset of

    N208E-striking normal faults and the formation ofassociatedelongated basins, of which the KasS Grabenis a well-preservedexample. This phase of basin

    formation thus starts after the Tortonian and has

    continued until the present day. Given the absence of

    Messinian sediment (including evaporites) in the

    offshore study area, it is difficult to make inferences

    about precisely when this second extension phase

    started. The N208-striking eastern boundary faults ofthesegrabens have been displaced by N708E-strikingsinistral strike-slipfaults. We found that both the

    N708E- and N208E-striking fault sets are youngerthan the onlapof units MF and PQ onto the

    Anaximander Mountain s.s, implying that their

    initiation was relatively young and similar in age.

    We thus interpret these N208E-striking normal faultsas markingthe onset stage of phase 2, which is

    characterized by the progressive development of

    sinistral shear directed towards N708E. A similarsequence offault development emerged in various

    transtension experiments (e.g., Tron and Brun, 1991;

    Smith and Durney, 1992). Once the sense of shear is

    developed completely, both normal faulting (on faults

    striking N208E) and strike-slip faulting (on faultsstrikingN708E) thus occur. By analogy with the BeyDağlarV in SW Turkey(Kissel and Poison, 1987), we

    assume no paleomagnetic rotation during the Plio-

    cene–Quaternary period.

    Deep marine basins, such as the Finike and Rhodes

    Basins, developed during this phase due to rapid

    subsidence of areas that were originally shallow (see

    above). Judging from the thick sequence of the PQ

    unit on top of their summits, we infer that the present-

    day submarine mountains are uplifted parts of former

    Pliocene–Quaternary deep marine basins (see, e.g.,

    Fig. 5). This phase of young, rapid differential vertical

    motions is revealed by the comparable thicknesses of

    the PQ unit both in the Finike Basin and on the

    Anaximander Mountain s.s.. The development of this

    differential relief creates a potential for the mass flow

    of the PQ unit from these mountains, as expressed by

    the Great Slide.

    In the SE Rhodes basin, which is separated from

    the Anaximander Mountains by the West Anax-

    imander Ridge, the fault pattern is highly complex,

    with N1208E-, N708E- and N208E-striking faults.Both the N1208E-and N708E-striking fault sets are ofPlio–Quaternary age and havebeen active later than

    the N208E-striking faults. The regional stress fieldmay thus bethe same north and south of the West

    Anaximander Ridge, but that the existence of older

    N1208E-striking faults with a favourable orientationto thisstress field complicates the strain pattern. With

    N708E-striking strike-slip fault zones representing thedominantor principal (sinistral) shear along the

    eastern branch of the Hellenic Arc (e.g., ten Veen

    and Kleinspehn, 2002), the N1208E-striking faultsmay wellrepresent dextral fault zones, consistent with

    the orientation of the associated pull-apart structures.

    5.3. Phase 2 east

    The mid-Tortonian Aksu phase was the final phase

    of episodic westward emplacement that formed the

    imbricated stack of thrust sheets known as the Antalya

    Nappe Complex. This Aksu thrusting phase was thus

    younger than the development of the N1208E-trendinggrabens andwas associated with an important kine-

    matic change in the western mountains that marked

    the onset of phase 2. Paleomagnetic measurements

    from the Antalya Basin (within the Antalya Nappe

    Complex) reveal no vertical-axis rotation since the

    Early Miocene (Kissel and Poison, 1986). It is thus

    assumed that structures in the Anaxagoras Mountain,

    like those in the southern part of the Antalya Nappe

    Complex, retain their original orientations.

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6558

    Both westward and southwestward transport of

    thrust sheets occurred during the Aksu phase (Frizon

    de Lamotte et al., 1995). Although both these

    directions can be observed in the northern Bey

    DağlarV, their southernmost part (Susuz Dağ) only

    indicates the SW direction, suggesting a progressive

    change in transport direction. This general sense of

    thrusting is also revealed by the curved NNW–SSE

    elongation of the Antalya Nappe Complex/Anaxa-

    goras Mountain domain and by the many similarly

    trending structural features within it. Not all struc-

    tures in the Antalya Nappe Complex and Anaxagoras

    Mountain represent thrust faults; some indicate

    normal or oblique slip faults as well. Plausibly, the

    thrust faults were reactivated as extensional faults

    during the post-Aksu period, as has also been

    deduced from multiple overprinting of faults in the

    Isparta Angle (Glover and Robertson, 1998). The

    orientations of these younger extensional faults are

    thus directly related to the sense of thrusting during

    the Aksu phase. Whereas the coast west of Antalya

    Bay is dominated by major north-striking normal

    faults that have been active during the Pliocene and

    Quaternary (Glover and Robertson, 1998), faults that

    strike N1508E, which are common in the Anaxago-ras Mountain, areof less importance here. This

    difference attests to a N–S structural transition,

    probably reflecting the structural grain and the

    change in the sense of thrusting of the Anatalya

    nappes (from E–W in the north to NE–SW in the


    Both N708E- and N1508E-striking fault sets arepresent in theAnaxagoras Mountain and both are

    active at present (phase 2), given the close relation-

    ship between bathymetric steps and deformation of

    Fig. 12. (A) Present-day plate motions relative to a stableEurasia with

    (DeMets et al., 1994), Arabian plate motion from the new Eulervector c

    rotation field calculated from GPS measurements by McClusky etal. (200

    denoted by a cross. See text for description of the methodsapplied. EU, AF

    Anatolian platelet. Stippled area represents an ~250 km broadzone in the ea

    governed by strain partitioning associated with the obliquesubduction of t

    Heavy black lines denote major, strike-slip dominated plateboundaries; bl

    deformation front); grey toothed lines denote MediterraneanRidge back

    Hellenic forearc. (B) Relative motions of Anatolia and Arabia attheir boun

    shown in (A). The calculated Euler pole for the motion ofAnatolia relative

    denotes the Anaximander Mountains. ESM denotes the Erastosthenesbdeformation related to rapidly changing relative plate motion atthe ju

    interpretation. White open arrows denote calculated relativeplate motions;

    in the Mediterranean Ridge (MR) are taken from Huguen et al.(2001).

    the PQ unit. Apart from some secondary N–S-

    striking extensional faults, majorN208E-strikingextension-related structures are absent.

    6. Pliocene–Quaternary regional geodynamics: the

    enigma solved?

    6.1. Relative plate motions and the position of the

    plate boundary

    The Pliocene–Quaternary deformation in the

    Anaxagoras Mountain s.l., in close proximity to the

    junction of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs, is most

    likely controlled by stresses exerted by relative plate

    motions. We thus present a model that compares our

    observations of strain patterns against predicted

    relative plate motions, based on recent GPS measure-

    ments of crustal motions in the eastern Mediterra-

    nean (McClusky et al., 2000). The horizontal

    displacement field for the Aegean–Anatolian platelet

    was calculated using the McClusky et al. (2000)

    dataset. Using their original data, a velocity field

    with 20V grid spacing was calculated. In the absenceof suitableGPS data from the African continent, we

    adopt velocity estimates from the NUVEL-1A model

    (DeMets et al., 1994) with the same grid spacing as

    for the Aegean–Anatolian plate. The motion of the

    Arabian plate was determined using the newly

    calculated Euler vector of Westaway (2004, this

    volume). These velocity fields relative to Eurasia are

    shown in Fig. 12A.

    To study the effects of these relative plate

    motions, it is first important to establish where the

    African and Eurasian plates interact (i.e., where to

    African plate motion from the NUVEL-1A plate motion solution

    alculated by Westaway (2004, this volume), andAnatolian–Aegean

    0) with the Euler pole for the motion of Anatolia relative toEurasia

    , AR and AN denote the Eurasian, African and Arabian plates andthe

    stern Hellenic forearc, which takes up distributed deformationthat is

    he relatively shallow-dipping African plate (see text fordiscussion).

    ack toothed lines denote convergent plate boundaries (i.e., theactive

    stop thrust; thin black lines denote strike-slip zones internalto the

    daries with the African plate are calculated from displacementfields

    to Africa is 30.58N, 37.98E, 1.128 Myr�1 and denoted by cross.AMSeamountQ. (C) Interpretative model of the observedpresent-daynction between the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs, summarizingour

    wavy double lines indicate areas of compression. Deformationzones

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 59

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6560

    position a meaningful plate boundary). Previous

    studies that have applied the GPS velocity field to

    predict relative plate motions (e.g., Kahle et al.,

    1998; Kahle et al., 2000; McClusky et al., 2000)

    placed this plate boundary along the Hellenic and

    Strabo btrenchesQ, which were originally thought torepresent theactive subduction zone (e.g., McKen-

    zie, 1970). Because it is now known that these

    btrenchesQ are not part of the subduction zone butinsteadcoincide with the backthrust of the MR

    accretionary prism (e.g.,Chaumillon and Mascle,

    1997; Huguen et al., 2001), the actual plate boundary

    should be located elsewhere. In the case of head-on

    subduction, the plate boundary would theoretically

    lie at the contact between the Mediterranean Ridge

    accretionary prism and the subducting African plate,

    i.e., at the Mediterranean Ridge deformation front. In

    such a case, the deformation front is the interface

    that is most critical in determining the geodynamic

    interaction between the two plates. This situation

    may apply to the western Hellenic subduction zone,

    where subduction is approximately perpendicular to

    the Mediterranean Ridge deformation front (Fig.

    12B), although we will not elaborate on this part

    because it is peripheral to understanding the geo-

    dynamics of the Anaximander Mountains. In the

    eastern Mediterranean Ridge, Huguen et al. (2001)

    explained that important strike-slip fault zones reflect

    strain partitioning related to oblique subduction,

    which also facilitated lateral escape of the sediment

    cover. In addition, the Pliny and Strabo btrenchesQ,cutting theHellenic forearc, are also believed to

    result from sinistral transform motions caused by the

    obliquity of relative plate motion (e.g., Le Pichon et

    al., 1979; Huchon et al., 1982). Even further inland

    on Crete and Rhodes, similarly trending sinistral

    strike-slip faults have been observed, which demon-

    strate that the effects of relative plate motion also

    penetrate into the islands of the Hellenic forearc

    (e.g., ten Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002). Therefore, we

    suggest that a very broad zone (~250-km wide)

    exists, which takes up distributed deformation that is

    governed by the oblique subduction of the relatively

    shallow-dipping African plate (Fig. 12B). This

    shallow dip of the African oceanic lithosphere

    beneath the Mediterranean Ridge was recently

    demonstrated in a wide-aperture seismic study by

    Bonhoff et al. (2001). The actual deformation front

    is the expression of superficial outward sediment

    flow, which might be facilitated by the oblique

    subduction, and may also be influenced by decolle-

    ment along the base of the Messinian evaporates

    (Huguen et al., 2001).

    The absence of an accretionary wedge, a

    volcanic arc and a pronounced subduction trench

    along the Cyprus Arc led Woodside et al. (2002) to

    conclude that no significant subduction takes place

    here at present. However, seismicity indicates

    limited underthrusting south of Cyprus, and further

    north within Antalya Gulf, reveals the unclear

    presence of a lithospheric slab dipping northeast-

    ward beneath this arc (e.g., Rotstein and Kafka,

    1982; Papazachos and Papaioannou, 1999). Despite

    the absence of clear subduction, the relative plate

    motion in this region is consistent with the

    calculations presented in Fig. 12B.

    6.2. Geodynamic model for the Anaximander


    The relative plate motion vectors at the assumed

    plate boundary (Fig. 12B) predict that the Hellenic

    plate boundary is moving SW as extension of the

    Aegean–Western Turkey domain proceeds. The

    eastern Cyprus Arc experiences overall northwest-

    ward retreat. The transition between these two arc

    segments lies in the vicinity of the Anaximander

    Mountain region, an area characterized by rapidly

    changing relative plate motions that are explained

    by close proximity to the pole of rotation of the

    Anatolian platelet relative to the African plate (Fig.

    12B, locality after McClusky et al., 2000).

    Based on comparison of plate boundary orienta-

    tion and predicted relative plate motions, we infer

    that the western Cyprus Arc (the Florence Rise) is

    characterized by sinistral strike-slip but that the

    strike-slip component decreases towards the Anax-

    imander Mountains due to a decrease in the

    tangential component of relative plate motion (i.e.,

    an increase in arc-normal compression; Fig. 12C).

    Fault plane solutions for the few significant earth-

    quakes that have occurred along the Florence Rise

    SW of Cyprus (Papazachos and Papaioannou, 1999)

    have maximum instantaneous shortening axes paral-

    lel to our predicted plate motion vector (QP=08).Teyssier et al.(1995) proposed kinematic models

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 61

    describing the relationship between the angle of

    relative plate motion (a), the orientations of mini-mum andmaximum instantaneous strain axes in the

    horizontal plane (QT and QP) and the degree ofstrike-slippartitioning. For the southernmost Flor-

    ence Rise, with QPc08 and ac58, these modelspredict that nostrike-slip partitioning occurs (i.e.,

    deformation associated with the relative plate motion

    occurs only as strike-slip faulting parallel to the plate

    boundary). This is exemplified by a broad diffuse

    zone of deformation with parallel strike-slip faults at

    the Florence Rise (Fig. 12C; Woodside et al., 2002).

    Near the Anaximander Mountains, no significant

    earthquakes occur, and we thus cannot speculate on

    the degree of strike-slip partitioning. However, the

    rising seafloor topography between the Florence Rise

    and the Anaximander Mountains may reflect the

    increase in arc-normal compression. The absence of

    horizontal displacement suggests that no significant

    strike-slip occurs on the S308E-striking faults in theAnaxagorasMountain and that these faults are most

    probably oblique normal faults with a minor sinistral

    slip component.

    For the overriding plate, this implies a transition

    from pure strike-slip faulting along the southern

    Florence Rise to almost head-on compression close

    to the junction of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs.

    South of the Florence Rise, Woodside et al. (2002)

    showed the presence of a zone of transpressional

    deformation, as can be expected in between areas of

    compression and pure strike-slip, to the north and

    south respectively. Near the Anaxagoras Mountain,

    the GPS data show a general westward increase in

    velocity towards the southwest (McClusky et al.,

    2000; Fig. 12A), such that not only is the plate

    boundary expected to move southwestwards but also

    arc-normal extension is occurring in the forearc

    region. This situation is comparable to the arc-

    normal extension in the Hellenic forearc due to

    southward migration of the Hellenic subduction

    zone (ten Veen and Meijer, 1998). These ideas fit

    well with the proposed active extension in the

    Anaxagoras Mountains. The fold belt east of the

    Anaxagoras Mountain marks the line across which

    the relative plate motion starts to increase (Fig.

    12A), suggesting that compression can prevail

    farther east (Fig. 12C). Such perturbations in the

    velocity field may have caused other rapid changes

    of deformation style within the Aegean–Anatolian


    The angle of convergence beneath the Mediter-

    ranean Ridge and the eastern Hellenic forearc does

    not change significantly (Fig. 12B), so that we

    anticipate a rather uniform type of transform

    deformation for the area under consideration.

    Papazachos et al. (2000) noted several deep trans-

    pressional strike-slip earthquakes along the eastern

    Hellenic Arc, which confirm transform faulting

    along the subduction interface. It is noteworthy,

    however, that a misfit exists between the predicted

    shear direction based on relative plate motions and

    the observed shear zones, which all strike between

    N508E and N708E (Fig. 12C). This misfit impliesthat part of thedeformation associated with the

    relative plate motion must be expressed by another

    sense of deformation, oriented at a high angle to

    these strike-slip fault zones. The ESE outward

    growth of the eastern Hellenic forearc and possibly

    the outward sediment movement in the Mediterra-

    nean Ridge may point to partitioning of the strain

    associated with NNE–SSW shear along the plate

    boundary. This scenario has also been deduced from

    the Pliocene–Quaternary kinematics on Rhodes (ten

    Veen and Kleinspehn, 2002).

    We infer that at the latest Miocene–Early

    Pliocene start of the westward motion of Anatolia

    and the ensuing SW motion of the Hellenic forearc

    (i.e., when the strike-slip zones initiated), no strain

    partitioning occurred and relative plate motions in

    the eastern Hellenic Arc were taken up by the

    sinistral strike-slip faults. During continued south-

    west- and outward motion of the Hellenic Arc, the

    azimuth of relative plate motion changed such that

    its obliquity increased. This increase in plate

    convergence obliquity and the rotation of motion

    vectors within the Aegean–Anatolian plate did not

    result in the development of new shear zones but in

    the addition of a WNW–ESE extensional compo-

    nent. Within the Mediterranean Ridge, Huguen et al.

    (2001) demonstrated the existence ofN508E-strikingtranstensional fault zones with associatedpull-apart

    basins, which possibly reflect tensional stresses at

    an angle to the main shear direction. Although the

    N708E-striking sinistral shear zones of the easternHellenic Arcpenetrate as far as the Anaxagoras

    Mountain and segment the N1508E-striking faults,

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–6562

    they are not observed farther east. The horizontal

    slip on these shear zones evidently decreases

    eastward, given that these N1508E-striking faultshave not beenlaterally displaced.

    Because the orientation and position of the plate

    boundary, and thus the sense of relative plate

    convergence, have changed with time (ten Veen

    and Kleinspehn, 2002) a steady-state model does not

    apply to this region. This is exemplified by the

    tectonostratigraphy of the Anaximander Mountains,

    which reveals at least two neotectonic phases. The

    first, Serravallian–Tortonian, phase is characterized

    by NNE–SSW extension whereas the second, Messi-

    nian–Quaternary, phase is governed by major

    N708E-striking strike-slip faulting. At a higher levelof detail,the continuously changing stress field has

    been reflected in the evolution of this second phase,

    which started with N208E-striking normal faulting,followed byN708E-striking sinistral strike-slip fault-ing. In the easternAnaximander Mountains, few new

    faults were initiated, but preexisting thrust faults that

    had developed during the Aksu phase of nappe

    emplacement were most likely reactivated as (obli-

    que) normal faults. On a larger scale, this late phase

    of thrusting, which we suggest is related to the onset

    of the westward motion of Anatolia, must have

    determined the orientation of the western Cyprus

    Arc, including the present-day Florence Rise.

    7. Conclusions

    We establish the sequence of tectonic events

    related to plate-boundary processes at the junction of

    the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs:

    (1) The western mountains in this region (Anax-

    imander and Anaximenes) correlate with the

    neritic limestones of the Bey DağlarV unit of SW

    Turkey, whereas the eastern Anaxagoras Moun-

    tain is a continuation of the ophiolitic Antalya

    Nappe Complex. This lithological contrast is

    also shown in gravimetry, denoting a deep-

    seated crustal difference.

    (2) During the Serravallian and Tortonian, an array

    of relatively simple N1208-trending grabensdeveloped in a vastcontinental region through-

    out the southern Aegean and SW Turkey.

    (3) A kinematic change in the latest Miocene,

    related to the onset of the westward motion of

    Anatolia, marked the start of differential sub-

    sidence that resulted in the formation of the

    Anaximander Mountains and which is marked

    by a regional unconformity between Lower–

    Middle Miocene and Plio–Quaternary sedimen-

    tary units.

    (4) Post-Tortonian (Messinian–Quaternary) defor-

    mation of the western mountains is character-

    ized by N708E-directed sinistral shear, which ismarked by theonset of N208E-striking normalfaulting that generated longgraben-like depres-

    sions. During the Pliocene, these basins were

    transected by N708E-trending sinistral shearzones, althoughcontinued crustal extension

    indicates deformation in transtension. The

    eastern mountains are characterized by

    N1508E-trending dextral oblique/normal faultzones that lackevidence of significant strike-

    slip motion.

    (5) The Pliny btrenchQ does not connect with thehypotheticalonshore Fethiye–Burdur fault

    zone but instead with the offshore Finike

    Basin, forming a very long and broad zone

    of deformation.

    (6) The predicted sense and rate of relative motion

    between the African plate and the Anatolian

    platelet change abruptly in the vicinity of the

    junction between the Hellenic and Cyprus Arcs

    because of its close proximity to the Euler

    pole for this relative motion. These predictions

    indicate that along both the eastern Hellenic

    Arc and the western Cyprus Arc (the Florence

    Rice), this relative motion has a sinistral sense.

    As far as deformation in the upper plate is

    concerned, the southern Florence Rise is

    characterized by pure wrench tectonics,

    whereas moving northward along this plate

    boundary, the strike-slip component decreases

    towards the Anaximander Mountains. Here,

    compression prevails at the plate boundary,

    whereas the outer-arc domain of the overriding

    plate is experiencing arc-normal extension

    related to trench retreat, governed by the

    westward increase in the southwestward

    motion of the Aegean–Anatolian plate. At the

    arc junction, the eastern Hellenic Arc is

  • J.H. ten Veen et al. / Tectonophysics 391 (2004) 35–65 63

    experiencing left-lateral faulting in combination

    with WNW–ESE extension and sediment

    movement, reflecting both relative plate motion

    and WNW–ESE outward growth of the eastern

    Hellenic forearc.


    This research was supported by the Nederlandse

    Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

    (NWO) grant no. 831.48.009 to JtV. Data collection

    and analysis were made possible through other

    NWO grants: ANAXIPROBE project (NWO no.

    750.195.02), MEDINAUT/MEDINETH project

    (NWO no. 750.199.01) and MediSed (NWO no.

    809.63.011). Most of the seismic data were pro-

    cessed during the 1996 Training Through Research

    expedition (TTR6). Some figures were created using

    the GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) software, and

    we are indebted to its authors, P. Wessel and W.

    Smith, for making it available. André Poisson is

    thanked for stimulating discussions concerning the

    geology of SW Turkey. We also thank the

    reviewers, R. Westaway and E. Demirbağ, for their

    comments and suggestions to improve this paper.

    This is contribution no. 20030202 of the Nether-

    lands Research School of Sedimentary Geology.


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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.