50+ Bartender Interview Questions (With Answer Examples) | UpMenu (2024)


  • Updated on 24 October 2023
  • Marcin Muras
50+ Bartender Interview Questions (With Answer Examples) | UpMenu (1)


Bartending is both an art and a science, demanding skill, charisma, and expertise. Selecting the right bartender can be the difference between a thriving bar and a mediocre one. Over the years, we’ve assisted numerous restaurants in their hiring process.

Let’s delve into an assortment of interview questions we’ve culled from our experience, split into five distinct categories.

General Bartender Interview Questions

  • Why are you interested in becoming a bartender?
    Example answer: “I’ve always been fascinated with the art of mixology and the ability to create memorable experiences for patrons. It combines my love for social interaction and creativity.”
  • What qualities do you believe make a great bartender?
    Example answer: “In my opinion, a great bartender should have excellent interpersonal skills, a thorough understanding of drinks, and the ability to multitask efficiently during busy hours.”
  • Describe a challenging experience you faced as a bartender and how you handled it.
    Example answer: “Once, I had a group of unruly customers. Instead of getting flustered, I remained calm, listened to their concerns, and ensured they left safely without disrupting other patrons.”
  • How would you handle a situation where a patron had too much to drink?
    Example answer: “Safety is paramount. I would stop serving them alcohol, offer them water, and suggest calling a cab or a friend to pick them up.”
  • How do you keep up with the latest trends in bartending?
    Example answer: “I regularly attend mixology workshops, follow industry blogs, and practice new recipes during my free time.”
  • Do you have formal training in bartending or any alcohol safety training?
  • How do you manage multiple drink orders during peak times?
  • How would you handle a drink order you’re unfamiliar with?
  • How do you feel about working long hours or holidays?
  • Can you describe a time when you successfully upsold a customer?

Questions About Experience and Background

  • How long have you been a bartender, and where did you get your start?Example answer: “I began bartending five years ago at a local pub in my hometown. The bustling environment gave me a solid foundation.”
  • Describe a time you went above and beyond for a customer.
    Example answer: “Once, a couple was celebrating their anniversary. I made them a special co*cktail on the house and ensured they had a memorable evening.”
  • What type of bars or restaurants have you worked at previously?
    Example answer: “I’ve worked in both high-end co*cktail lounges and busy sports bars, which has given me versatile experience.”
  • Have you ever had to deal with an emergency or unexpected situation during your shift?
    Example answer: “Yes, there was an instance where we ran out of certain ingredients. I had to quickly improvise with available ingredients without compromising on the taste.”
  • What’s the most challenging part of bartending for you, and how do you manage it?
    Example answer: “Handling difficult customers can be challenging. I’ve learned to stay calm, listen actively, and always prioritize safety.”
  • How do you handle feedback or criticism from customers?
  • What is your favorite co*cktail to make and why?
  • How do you handle conflicts with coworkers, if any arise?
  • How do you ensure a clean and organized workspace?
  • Are you familiar with using point-of-sale (POS) systems?

Interview Questions Focused on Soft Skills

  • How do you manage stress during exceptionally busy shifts?
    Example answer: “I focus on staying organized, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a positive attitude even during the busiest hours.”
  • Describe a time you successfully worked in a team to handle a challenging situation.
    Example answer: “During a particularly busy night, our team collaborated to serve a large group of customers efficiently, ensuring everyone was satisfied.”
  • How do you handle disagreements with management or teammates?
    Example answer: “Open communication is key. I try to understand their perspective and find common ground.”
  • How would you deal with a customer who’s unhappy with their drink?
    Example answer: “I would apologize, inquire about their preferences, and offer to remake the drink or suggest an alternative they might enjoy.”
  • What strategies do you use to build rapport with customers?
    Example answer: “I always greet customers with a smile, remember their favorite drinks, and engage in genuine conversations.”
  • How would you handle a situation where you’re unfamiliar with a drink order?
  • Have you ever had to refuse service to a customer? If so, how did you handle it?
  • How do you maintain energy and enthusiasm during long shifts?
  • How do you stay updated with new co*cktail trends or customer preferences?
  • How do you ensure you’re always providing top-notch customer service?

Interview Questions Focused on Hard Skills

  • What drinks do you believe every bartender should know how to make?
    Example answer: “Classics like Margarita, Martini, Old Fashioned, Mojito, and Cosmopolitan are essential in my opinion.”
  • How do you handle cash transactions and ensure accuracy in billing?
    Example answer: “I always double-check the order and the bill. If using a POS system, I make sure to input orders correctly and verify the total before charging.”
  • How would you handle a situation where a specific ingredient for a co*cktail is unavailable?
    Example answer: “I would inform the customer, suggest an alternative drink, or offer to make a variation of their chosen co*cktail with available ingredients.”
  • Describe the steps you take to ensure cleanliness and hygiene at the bar.
    Example answer: “I regularly sanitize my hands and equipment, ensure glasses are spotlessly clean, and organize the bar area to avoid clutter.”
  • How do you manage inventory and ensure that the bar is always stocked?
    Example answer: “I keep a regular check on stock levels, update the inventory system after every shift, and communicate with the management about upcoming requirements.”
  • Can you describe the process of making a [specific co*cktail]?
  • What, according to you, are essential tools every bartender should be proficient with?
  • How do you measure drink ingredients to ensure consistency?
  • Describe your process for handling special drink requests or customizations.
  • How do you handle drink returns or remakes?

Scenario-Based Bartender Interview Questions (That Show Problem-Solving Skills)

  • A regular customer comes in and asks for their usual drink, but you’ve run out of a key ingredient. What do you do?
    Example answer: “I’d apologize and inform them about the unavailability. I’d then suggest a close alternative or offer to make a special drink just for them using available ingredients.”
  • It’s a busy night, and you notice a coworker is struggling and falling behind on their drink orders. How do you handle the situation?
    Example answer: “I’d offer my assistance and see if we could divide tasks to manage the orders more efficiently.”
  • A customer is unhappy because they’ve been waiting for a while, and their drink order is still not ready. How do you handle this?
    Example answer: “I would apologize for the delay, reassure them that their order is a priority, and try to expedite it. Offering a complimentary snack or a discount might also be a way to make up for the inconvenience.”
  • You’ve just made a drink, but you realize you made an error in the ingredients. What’s your next move?
    Example answer: “I’d remake the drink immediately. Quality and customer satisfaction are paramount, and it’s essential to ensure the drink is perfect.
  • A group of customers is becoming loud and disruptive, making other patrons uncomfortable. How do you handle this?
    Example answer: “I’d approach the group politely and request them to lower their volume. If the behavior continues, I might involve security or management to ensure the environment remains pleasant for everyone.”
  • How would you deal with a situation where two customers have an argument at the bar?
  • A customer asks for a drink recommendation based on their taste preferences. How do you approach this?
  • It’s the end of the night, and a customer has had a bit too much to drink. What steps do you take?
  • A customer claims they’ve been overcharged for their drinks. How would you handle this claim?
  • You’re in the middle of a rush, and the bar’s POS system crashes. What’s your plan of action?

Bartender Interview Tips

  • Understand the Role: Familiarize yourself with the different drinks, equipment, and techniques that bartenders typically use. It’s essential to know what the job entails so you can assess the candidate’s expertise correctly.
  • Test Practical Skills: Consider a practical test where the candidate prepares a drink. This helps evaluate their mixology skills, speed, and presentation.
  • Check Cultural Fit: Each bar has its own vibe and culture. Determine if the candidate would mesh well with your existing team and clientele.
  • Inquire About Stress Management: Bartending can get chaotic. Understanding how a candidate deals with stress can provide insights into their resilience and adaptability.
  • Prioritize Soft Skills: While technical skills are crucial, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and customer service are equally vital for a bartender.
  • Ask About Their Favorite Drinks: This can give you a sense of their passion and knowledge about the industry.
  • Check References Diligently: Past behavior can predict future performance. Talking to previous employers can give you insights into their professionalism and reliability.

Key Takeaways

  • Bartenders need a blend of technical and soft skills to excel.
  • A practical test can be an effective way to gauge a candidate’s proficiency.
  • Cultural fit is vital; a bartender should resonate with the bar’s ambiance and clientele.
  • Asking about stress management techniques can provide insights into a candidate’s resilience.
  • Prior professional references are crucial for understanding reliability and work ethics.
  • Passion for the industry can often be gauged by discussing favorite drinks and trends.
  • Effective communication skills are pivotal for bartenders, as they directly interact with customers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Why are you interested in becoming a bartender?
  2. What qualities do you believe make a great bartender?
  3. Describe a challenging experience you faced as a bartender and how you handled it.
  4. How do you handle a situation where a patron had too much to drink?
  5. How do you keep up with the latest trends in bartending?
  6. How do you manage multiple drink orders during peak times?
  7. Can you describe a time when you successfully upsold a customer?
  8. How do you handle feedback or criticism from customers?
  9. What type of bars or restaurants have you worked at previously?
  10. How do you ensure a clean and organized workspace?

To prepare for a bartender interview, start by researching the establishment’s history, vibe, and popular drinks. Practice making a variety of co*cktails, focusing on presentation and speed. Review potential interview questions and prepare concise answers, highlighting your skills and experience. Finally, be prepared to discuss your favorite drinks, showcase your knowledge about current trends, and demonstrate your interpersonal skills during the interview.

A good bartender possesses a blend of technical know-how, interpersonal skills, adaptability, and a genuine passion for the craft.

Handling difficult customers requires patience, tact, and clear communication. It’s crucial to remain calm, actively listen to their concerns, and work towards a solution that ensures their safety and satisfaction without disrupting other patrons.

Teamwork is paramount in a bar setting, as it ensures smooth operations, quick service, and a positive work environment. A cohesive team can handle busy hours effectively, assist each other when needed, and provide a seamless experience for the patrons.

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Marcin Muras

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50+ Bartender Interview Questions (With Answer Examples) | UpMenu (2024)
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